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      Halloween has always been my favorite event, but for someone who's scared of clowns it can also be a terrible time for me. However every year someone dresses up as a clown to spite me I swear. Usually it's Reggie because he's just a dick in general and no one could ever tell me any different.

      "How original, Sass" Reggie looks my outfit up and down as I follow him and Moose closely whilst we all make our way to Bettys for our annual Halloween Party "I can't imagine anyone else will be dressed as a cat"

      I scoff as I rush in front of the pair to knock of the front door "But I'll be the cutest, Reginald.    I see you've gone for something other than a clown; it's a shame really because it suits you so well" Betty suddenly opens the door, a black wig sits on her perfectly as she wears an all black outfit "You look so good!"

       "Oh, Jug invited some of his friends" She calls over her shoulder as we follow closely behind "I hope you don't mind. It's my party and they're already here so there's not much any of us can do but they're super nice"

       "The only people who will be bothered is these two" I point behind me to Reggie and Moose who are both in deep conversation "Well... Angry"

      "I don't take well to... Uh, fresh meat" Moose laughs as he and Reggie fist bump

      "You know it's the ones that started our school last week, right?" It's half joking, half not but as we round the corner we see them stood with Jug by the fireplace "Did you catch their names? I'm going to be polite... They don't call me polite Sass for nothing"

      "No one, and I mean no one calls you that" Betty laughs as she hands out coasters "No marks, please!"

      Reggie and Moose just look at me "Yeah, we caught their names" Moose just scoffs as he and Reggie walk towards the kitchen both muttering things about Southside scum

     I wander over, pulling my shorts down from where they ridden up my legs slightly. Jug looks over his shoulder as I stand next to him "Hey I thought I could come and be polite because I haven't been in the last week"

     Jug grins looking towards his group of friends "This is Sweetpea and Toni, uh, Fangs is round somewhere but I don't know where" the pair say a small hello with a wave; well Toni waved anyway.

     As they get back to their conversation, I push through the crowd of people, who have taken up a lot of space in the living room, to find the drinks table, I'm very in need of one. I look up at the guy stood behind the makeshift bar "Are you moonlighting as a bartender? Or are you just stood there?"

     He laughs showing a set of fake teeth, vampire teeth to exact. "I, uh, I can if you want me to...I like to think I'm fairly good at mixing drinks"

     "Fairly good? Should I trust you? Because I can't say I accept drinks from strangers very often" I lean forward as he mixes a few different drinks together, he passes me the light brown liquid with a smile plastered across his face. I take a sip of the drinks, my face twisting a little bit "This is... Strong"

      "Yes, Do trust me! I call this drink the Fangs special" He rubs his hands together as he begins to make another one "Perfect, huh?"

      I open my mouth slightly look towards him again "So you're Fangs!... And you're dressed as a vampire, That's funny and clever"

      He chuckles as we sit at the breakfast bar "Yeah, it's funny, right? Pea just told me I was being stupid but I thought it was good. Toni thought it was good too!"

    I frown at him "So does Sweet Pea just not like halloween or is he just a complete spoil sport? Because he isn't dressed up"

     The conversation between us dies off we sit there for about a minute before he suddenly speaks up "So you are...? Pea doesn't like dressing up, he says it's childish" He passes me a can of beer as he grabs one for himself too

      "oh um yeah... I'm Saskia but my friends call me Sass" I bite the inside of lip as Fangs' friends walk over "I'll excuse myself. It was nice speaking to you, Fangs" I hear his friends start laughing and joking as I make my way through the crowded house to get to the garden.

     "Hey!" I smile taking a seat round the fire pit where Veronica is sat alone "You're usually in the middle of a party, are you okay?"

    She sighs looking towards me as she sips her wine "Archiekins and Daddy have been getting along really well"

     Veronica complaining about Archie and Hiram getting along is odd considering how much she made Archie try to impress him for so long "And? What's the problem? You wanted them to get along for so long"

     She looks at my like I've grown a second head ugh, I haven't... have I? "God, Sass! Don't you understand? Daddy was in prison so what if he makes Archiekins follow in his footsteps?"

     I take a sip of the beer as she continues to question what's going to happen, was I listening? Not at all but I don't really listen to her when she's complaining about her dad or Archie. Its not that I don't care, it's just... Okay yeah I don't care.

       Suddenly I feel my cat ears being pulled off my head, I turn round to see Fangs stood there; A cigarette between his lips and my cat ears on his head. "A... Catpire?"

        I break into a fit of giggles as he stands there with a stupid grin on his face "Real proud of yourself, huh?"

         "So proud" He does a small twirl before sitting down next to me on the bench "I think I look... I can't come up with any type of cat pun that isn't dirty"

"You're something different, Fangs"

Something Different- Fangs FogartyWhere stories live. Discover now