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     "Carrie The Musical ?" Sweet Pea repeats after me as I follow him and Toni through the school "Since when has Carrie been a musical? I've only ever known to be a horror movie so I think you're lying to me"

     "I don't know. However, what I do know Is that I'm not lying" I shrug lightly "But you're going to get involved, right?"

     I look up at Pea as we stop by their bikes, Toni begins to laugh shaking her head at me "Sweet Pea? Get involved in a musical?" She laughs harder as she says it "He would never"

     "Unfortunately for you I won't be involved in anyway whatsoever, Not my style thank you very much." I let out a huff as Fangs wanders towards us with Jug and Betty in tow "Like Topaz said, I would never"

      "However, " Pea pauses before pointing towards Fangs who looks startled "He would, He totally would."

     I look at Fangs with a grin but the only response I get is a shake of the head as he lights a cigarette, "Babe I don't think I want to be up on the stage in front of a couple hundred people, you know? Not my thing" I throw my head back with a loud groan "Have you heard me sing?  I could give a group of strangled cats a run for their money"

     "You're all a bunch of spoil sports! Toni is the only one getting involved but I'm 50 percent sure she's only getting involved because of a certain blossom" Toni stays quiet as she begins to get to ready to leave "Do you have anything to say to that, or not? Because you know I'm right"

     "Cheryl is lovely but..."She just shrugs looking away from me as Cheryl walks out of the school, Toni's sight is now totally focused on her. "She wouldn't like me because I'm 90 percent sure she's not into girls"

      "She's pretty hot too" Fangs says looking towards where Pea and Toni's sight is stuck, I hit the side of his arm as I tilt my head to the side 

     "She's what?" I cross my arms over my chest whilst raising my eyebrows so he knows I'm not completely serious

       "I mean.. The weather is hot so? She must be hot? That's what I was referring to" He pauses stepping in front of me "The weather, my love" 

      "You definitely weren't but I'll accept that answer" I kiss his cheek lightly "But just so you know... you're getting involved with the musical"

     He rolls his eyes at me before taking my hand and leading me to his bike "Your carriage awaits" 

     His arm swings towards his bike as he begins to laugh "Well thank you my kind sir"

      "Morning morning"I call to my parents as I grab a waffle and a bottle of apple juice "I'm going to be late for rehearsals so I have to go now"

      "On a Saturday?" Dad frowns as he reads through his newspaper "Why not during the week?"

     "Because extra curricular activities"I shrug "There's not one day during the week that everyone is free but with football season ending it means that we'll have Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays available"   

      I quickly rush towards the hall as rehearsals started 10 minutes ago, I push through a crowd of people stood outside the school but as I mumble a few excuse me's yet no one seems to want to move but being 5ft2, it's extremely hard to get anyone to notice when you're alllll the way down here and everyone else is allll the way up there. "Sorry sorry! Dad was giving me the third degree" I mumble rushing past Kevin who's sat in the chairs that the audience will be in

     "Go and find Fangs, He'll tell you what to do" Kevin dismisses me with his hand "He's backstage somewhere"

    "Fangs?" I call out as I walk through the back where all the dressing rooms are situated "Fangs?!"

     He pokes his head out of a dressing room, smiles when he sees me and quickly rushes out of the room closing the door behind him "Sass! We had a problem but it's all fixed now and Kevin promoted me to top thingy"

    I frown as he says problem because I can tell you now that made me panic "Problem? What was it? Also when you say thingy I assume you mean Kevin's right hand man" I look over his shoulder to the dressing room he came out of "Midge?"

   "Well, Cheryl had to drop out but we got Midge as a replacement so it's not all bad, you know?" He shrugs following me towards the stage "But we've got a really, really good replacement"

      "I assume Penelope made Cheryl quit. She strikes me as the mum to do that" I laugh as he passes me one of the clip boards with everything we need to know written on the sheets of paper "So was it her? Did she make Cheryl quit?"

    Fangs nods as Midge comes through mumbling her lines whist pacing near us "Hey Fangs, could you run lines with me please?" She grins looking over towards us not making eye contact with me

   "Uh yeah sure" He looks between Midge and I, but I turn my back towards them as I look through the script "I'll be back soon, Sass"

  I nod as Jug rounds the corner holding a camera in his hand "I'm the videographer, Kev asked me. He said I had an eye for this sort of stuff" I begin to laugh as he films "I have to catch everything!" He rushes through the hallway on his way to find more people and things to film

   "I told you I'll be back soon" Fangs winks as he wraps his arms around my waist "I wasn't too long, was I?"

     I look at the time on my phone shaking my head as I turn round to face him "But I'm glad you're actually doing this even if we're not getting involved up there"

      "We're still doing our bit though, and bit is very important" He looks focuses on the script that Kev edited with timings to when people have to go out on to the stage

        I follow Betty outside as i look round for Fangs after rehearsals "Did you see when or where fangs went?" She shakes her head with a light shrug of her shoulders "It's fine we'll carry on and go"

      "Ugh, That felt like the longest rehearsal of my life, Sass" Betty groans as we get into my car

     "Oh I know! But Fangs spent most of his time with Midge so they can go over her lines together" I shrug looking away towards

     "Don't worry about it, Midge is with Moose! But changing the subject, Veronica and I are more than okay now, She apologised"  Betty looks at me with a wide grin spread across her face "I've never been so happy to get a friend back, I was actually fairly lost without her"

     "I can imagine" I shrug turning to go down our street as we both fall silent before I stop outside her house "I think you need to also ask Fangs why he's spending so much time with Midge"

     She shuts the car door behind her before I pull into my driveway to see Fangs bike parked by the garage, I frown before I get my stuff from the car questioning to why he's at my house without me, I follow the sound of laughter as I get inside to see Fangs sat with my parents in the living room "Oh hey everyone"

   Their heads snap towards me as Fangs taps the empty seat beside him "I actually only came here to drop off some stuff that you left at mine but then your parents said they were making tea so here I am" He holds up his cup at me as my parents talk to each other 

     "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself" I hold out my hand so he can hold it "I like that you're actually getting along with my parents"

    He nods before we excuse ourselves to my bedroom "I like your parents, They're super nice." He takes a seat on my bed as I sit beside him 

     "I was a little late because I had to drop Betty off but she said something that really annoyed me but I'm probably just overreacting, you know so don't worry about it" I lay my head on his lap as he plays with my hair

   "What did she say? It's clearly annoyed you so I'll listen" I bite my lip as I look up at him

    "You wouldn't lie to me, right?" I question him but I know full well that he wouldn't and what she's accusing him of is a total lie.

    He shakes his head looking a little taken back by my question "Of course I wouldn't lie to you, What makes you think I would?"

    "What's happening between you and Midge?"

Something Different- Fangs FogartyWhere stories live. Discover now