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     Fangs looks away from me whilst tapping his fingers on his knee lightly "I told you that nothing happened , and I'm telling you again nothing happened. I'm just going to go because I don't want to be sat here and accused of something that I didn't do"

    "I never accused you of anything, Fangs. I asked you a simple question and you're taking it like It's true, so that's why I'm struggling to believe you" I follow him to the front door where he's stood with it open "All I want to know is, if there is or was ever anything happening between you and Midge"

   "Can't you just believe me when I say nothing happened, Saskia. There has to be some level of trust between us two" He points between us with a frown "And I feel like there's none if you even have to ask me that"

    "Fangs, there was a level of trust but I just needed to know what you were going-" He cuts me off as he holds up his hand front of me 

   "Did you say was? What do you mean was? Isn't there any trust now?" He turns away from me before marching out my house in a huff "This relationship is on a thin line, Saskia"

    "Fangs wait! Just stay so we can talk this out" I call after him as I follow him outside "I didn't mean it like that, I promise"

    "What did you mean then, Sass? Is there trust or not because from where I'm standing...There's none." He scoffs at me as he gets on his bike "Speak to me when you think I'm trustworthy, yeah? I feel like I'll be waiting awhile clearly"

   I stand on the porch as Fangs drives off, I let out a huff as Alex comes up the pathway "Just saw Fangs driving away from the Southside, where's he off to?" I just shrug as he follows me into the lounge"Is stuff okay with you guys?"

     "It's fine. He just has stuff to do, I don't know" I pull my knees up to my chest as he sits next to me on the couch, we sit in silence for a few minutes before he turns towards me with an over sympathetic smile "Stop it, Alex"

    "Clearly something went down between you two" He raises an eyebrow at me as I stand to my feet "You can't just walk away from me"

     He follows me through the house rambling on about Fangs and asking what happened before we both stop in front of my bedroom, grabbing my wrists. "You know whatever you tell me I won't repeat to mum or dad, okay? Trust me 100%"

    I snatch my wrists away from his grip before closing my bedroom door behind me, leaving Alex alone in the hallway. I fall onto my bed as I hear another door open and close, assuming it's Alex's door I rush out into the hall to see him stood outside his bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest "Easy to get you out of there, did you really think I had gone. I'm assuming this situation between you and Fangs is because of Midge?"

    "You know nothing, Alex. It's nothing to do with her because Fangs and I are fine"


    "Stressed?" I look over my shoulder to see Veronica stood there with her books pressed against her chest "You sure look it"

    "Oh, I'm just tired I guess" I close my locker as she moves to stand in front of me with a concerned look plastered across her face "I'm telling the truth, Veronica! I had a really bad nights sleep"

   "Sass!" Sweet Pea and Toni stop in front of us as Fangs storms on past with another serpent close on his heels without giving me a second glace "Please tell us you know why he's like this? He threw his coffee mug this morning because the coffee burnt his mouth"

   I shrug lightly as they try to figure it, I excuse myself as I rush through the halls looking for any sign of Fangs. I run into a few serpents and ask if they've seen him but of course they won't tell me anything, I silently curse under my breath as the bell for first period rings.

   "Isn't Fogarty meant to be in here?" Pea questions as he sits in front of Veronica, Toni and I "I haven't seen him since we got to school, have any of you?"

    "I don't know" Toni shrugs as Fangs and Midge walk through the door laughing "Oh, He's here"

   I look up from my book to see them walking towards us, Fangs looks at me with a smile before sitting next to Pea whilst Midge sits on the other side of the room "How's Midge, Fangs?" Veronica looks over her glasses at me whilst I tap my pen against the book

   "She's great actually, We're rehearsing tonight so like you have to be there" Fangs doesn't give me a second look as Toni, Pea and Veronica stare at him "Or don't, It doesn't really matter I guess"

    "I have other plans anyway so I won't be able to make it but you'll be okay to control everything whilst making out with Midge, right?" I cross my arms over my chest as Toni whispers to me but I can barely hear what she has to say

   Fangs stands up smacking his hands on the table in front of me "For the last time, Nothings happening?" He yells at me as everyone in the room goes silent "This isn't the right place to be arguing"

   Fangs wipes his hand across his face before strutting out of the room not taking a moment give any of us a second glance. Sweet Pea follows Fangs out of the room as the teacher calls after them, She looks back at me but I give her a shrug as Veronica nudges me "You do realise Betty wasn't being truthful when she told you about Fangs and Midge? It's just hear say, Saskia"

    "Just hear say? Veronica, How would you feel if someone told you Archie was cheating on you whether it was true or not?" I question crossing my arms over my chest as Toni looks on from her seat

    "No that's different! Archiekins would never" She smiles leaning forward "Archie's not like Fangs"

    "What are you trying to say?" Toni shifts in her seat as she tries her best to ignore the conversation

     "Well Archiekins isn't a serpent, you know? They have a tendency to cheat...Well I've heard anyway"

    "And then she said we have the tendency to cheat? How rude considering a serpent was sat right near her, it's like she just didn't care at all!" I hear toni huff as I walk past them "Even Sass was there. She can back me up on this one"

    "I bet any money Sass agreed" I look over my shoulder to see Fangs scowling at me "Because apparently you think we all cheated, huh?"

   I breathe in before turning towards them "No Fangs. I don't think you all cheated, I think you cheated because as soon as I questioned you about the situation you basically blew up at me and didn't even give me a straight forward answer"

   "You guys have stuff to sort out, and it better be sorted out before the opening of Carrie tomorrow because I refuse to spend the whole evening with you two bickering, okay?" Toni frowns

   "See you tomorrow, Fangs" 

Something Different- Fangs FogartyWhere stories live. Discover now