Chapter Twelve - Fitz's Winnowing Gala

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"I just have one request for you, Sophie. Will you come to my Winnowing Gala?"  

          Sophie couldn't believe that Fitz had the nerve to ask her after what happened a few weeks ago. But, nevertheless, she said, "Fine. I'll come. This is your last chance."

          Fitz smiled a melancholic smile that broke Sophie's heart. "Thanks for giving me another chance, Sophie. I know it will take a long time for us to heal the gap between us."

          Sophie returned a small smile before noticing her other friends staring at her and Fitz. Biana and Linh were squealing while Tam, Dex, and Keefe acted nonchalantly and had smug expressions on their faces. 

          "I'm so happy you guys made up!" Biana squeed. "We didn't exactly reconcile with each other," Sophie confessed, stealing a glance at Fitz, who was gazing at the ground. "That's what you think," Linh giggled. 

          "By the guys lost! For the first time!" Keefe smirked triumphantly. Dex, on the other hand, muttered, "Wonderboy! And Sophie!" Sophie blushed. "Not in that way, Dex!" Dex shrugged and responded, "Well, congratulations, Sophie! And Fitz!"

          "When's your Winnowing Gala anyways?" Tam questioned, playing with the silvery tips of his bangs. "Tomorrow," Fitz ran his hand through his hair nervously, bracing for the girls' reactions. "TOMORROW?" the girls shrieked in astonishment. "Why didn't you tell me beforehand?" Biana raised an eyebrow. "Sophie doesn't have any time to prepare!" Linh commented with worry. "Why didn't you ask me earlier?" Sophie whispered soft enough for everyone to hear.

          "First off, Biana, I didn't want you to go all 'Biana' on it. Second, Linh, I think Sophie will have enough time to dress with Biana helping her. Last, Sophie, I was afraid you would say no, so I waited for the last moment to ask you," Fitz explained, cheeks tinting a bit red. "Bad move, Fitzroy. Should've asked her earlier," Keefe shook his head in disapproval. "I have a word named after me?" Biana's eyes lit up with excitement. "No, it's just an insult/descriptive word I use to describe you," Fitz shrugged. Everyone laughed at Biana's horrified and offended face. 

          "Well...Sophie, you're coming to Everglen right after school tomorrow," Biana instructed. "What time does the party start, Fitz?" Tam inquired. "In the evening. I'll let you guys know when it starts before you start heading to the ballroom. All of you are invited to come," Fitz said. "Even me?" Keefe wiggled his eyebrows. Fitz sighed in exasperation and what looked like regret. "Yes, Keefe. Even you. Hopefully, I won't regret it." 

          "Why is that?" Sophie asked. "Well, at Alvar's Winnowing Gala, Keefe was invited. I'll just say that it was the worst mistake Alvar ever made. Perhaps even worse than joining the Neverseen. Well, actually not, but you get the point. Keefe pranked Alvar and put a variety of hair dyeing elixirs in various shades of colors in Alvar's hair bottles, which, of course, he used before the event. The hair dye lasted for several days and could not be washed off! He also put some fart bombs on many of the seats in the ballroom," Fitz shuddered at the memory. Biana looked wistfully at the gleaming mansion-like house in the distance, "I wish I was there to see that! But Mom wouldn't let me go, because I was too young at that time. Like there's such thing as being too young to go to a ball! But, I went to plenty of other Winnowing Galas in the past as a 'prominent Vacker guest'."

          "I learned a lot from that experience," Fitz murmured. Dex stared perplexed at Fitz. "He put a fart bomb on his chair," Biana informed him, snickering in between words. "The look Fitzy gave me was the best present ever!" Keefe recalled, wiping away a fake tear of joy.

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