Unmoving- //Prologue//

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Everything was a blur. I kept blinking but there seemed to be a layer of blurriness just sitting on top of my eyes.

My breathing was ragged. I gasped for air. My vision cleared a little bit. I could see white tiles around me, a white ceiling right above my head.

I groaned as I used all of my strength to get up. I sat up with great difficulty. Pipes, tubes, needles and nozzles wired their way through my body.

"Lie down!",a voice screeched from across the room, sending my head spinning.

"Come here! Come here! She's woken up!",another voice said. A few ladies gathered around me. A lady stroked my head and made me lie down again.

What is happening? Where am I?

"Please don't try to get up.",a soothing voice said. I turned my head to see a young lady, probably in her twenties, gently smiling at me.

I couldn't help smiling back, despite my pain. I felt drowsy. I didn't even remember my own name.

"Feeling better, Eva? Do you remember anything?",the lady with the soothing voice asked me gently.

I shook my head as my vision came to normal.

"What happened? Where am I?",I asked.

Then it hit me. I remembered every gruesome detail of the previous night. The way the lorry ran over our motorbike and just sped off. The way Max's head bled and his chest stopped moving.

Suddenly, everything came back to me. I shuddered in my bed as tears rolled down my face. I didn't want to ask the lady about Max. I already knew what had happened to him. I sobbed uncontrollably.

"I-I need to see my parents.",I said as I sniffed.
"Sure. I'll call them.",the lady said. She was wearing a white coat. Her hair was neatly plaited and she wore spectacles. No doubt she was the doctor.

"No. I will go and see them myself.",I said.

The doctor tried stopping me but it was too late. I threw off the covers. I tried to get off the bed. I couldn't. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the place where my legs used to be was replaced by two bloody stumps. They were wrapped with white bandage, which was rather red now.

For a moment, I didn't understand anything. I felt the area underneath those stumps. Nothing. I could only feel my thighs.

I tilted my head. I tried lifting my leg. No result. All I felt was numbness. I moved back in shock. My head hit the wall behind me.

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I was stuck in a dark cavern with voices taunting me.

"Hah! This is what you deserve for heading off on a motorbike with your boyfriend in the middle of winter despite your parents' warnings."

My breathing became heavy. I couldn't even cry. I was just shocked. I felt no pain in my legs. Or rather, whatever was left of them.

I don't know if I was losing my mind or if it was just the sedatives working on me. I started giggling uncontrollably.

"Where are my legs?",I asked, giggling, pointing towards my pitiable lower half.

The doctor and the nurses in the room sighed and looked at me with sympathy.

I stopped giggling and frowned.
"Why aren't you all laughing? It's so funny! My legs have disappeared!",I said as I burst into a fit of giggles again.

The doctor gave one of the nurses a nod. The nurse pulled out a syringe and a vial of some medicine. She filled the syringe and came close to me.

She made me lay back down as she injected the liquid into my body. My giggling slowly died down and my eyes drooped. Once again, I plunged into a world of darkness.


~3 weeks later~

"Now push the wheels slowly. That's it! There you go! Very good!",the doctor told me encouragingly.

I used my strength to push the wheels present on either side of the chair I was sitting on. A wheelchair, to be precise. The wheelchair moved forward slowly. I sat on it, my lower body covered by a cloth.

The doctor turned towards my parents. All the sleepless nights that they had spent at the hospital was starting to get to them. Their hair was messy and shaggy. Their eyes were bloodshot and sunken in their eye sockets.

"Th-Thank you, doctor.",my father said.

I did not say a word. There was nothing left for me to speak about or even think about. Only darkness and sorrow would be the companion for the rest of my life.

"Keep moving here and there. It will keep you from gaining weight. Pushing the wheels is a good exercise. Take care, Eva. And don't forget to take your medicines.",the doctor said.

I nodded and stared ahead. My father gently pushed my wheelchair from behind and we headed to the parking lot. Mom smiled at me but I could see that even after crying for three weeks straight, the sadness hadn't left her eyes.

Dad opened the car door and placed my wheelchair beside the entrance. He lifted me like one would lift a newborn and made me sit in the car.

He pressed a button on my wheelchair. He folded it backwards until it was portable enough. He placed it on the seat beside me and gave me a sad smile.

I didn't smile back. I was ashamed of myself. I knew that they were, too. I silently stared ahead and kept quiet. Mom and dad sat in front of me.

I closed my eyes and sniffled. Involuntarily, my eyes started watering. It wasn't in my hands. I couldn't stop crying.

My mom looked back and squeezed my hand gently.

"Don't worry sweetie, nothing has happened. You're totally fine.",my mom tried to console me.

Oh yes. Of course. I'm totally fine. Except for the fact that I'm missing my legs. Yes, I am totally fine.

I am just handicapped now.


Sabrina Carpenter as Eva!! Skdjkabssnbsnssnsb!!
I love her so much💕💕💕💕

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