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Alissa swung her legs from the bench as I sat beside the bench on my wheelchair.

Chris was talking on his phone, standing at a distance from us.
"Who's he even talking to?",I asked.
"I have no idea.",Alissa said, glaring at the back of Chris' head.

I heard a horn blaring at the gates of the school. I picked up my bag and waved to Alissa and Chris as he turned around to wave at me and went on my way.

"Hey mom.",I said as mom got out of the car to help me get in.

"Hey. How was your day?"

"Fine. Uh, mom?"


"Chris and Alissa are coming for a sleepover tomorrow."

My mom looked at me with wide eyes.
"Sure! It's been a long time since your friends came."

I nodded and smiled.
"And yeah, mom? Could I get a new phone?"

"Of course. Now let's get home, eh?",mom said as she started the car.


"Ryder is not coming today. He's not feeling very good.",mom said as she peeked her head through my doorway. I frowned as I nodded.

Why am I feeling so disappointed?

Mom shut the door, leaving me alone with my books. I put all my books in their place with a huff. I was angry at Ryder. I knew what he meant by 'not feeling well'. Had he not gone to that fighting arena, we wouldn't have missed a class. Even though I was the one curious to know about his wounds, I hadn't asked him to fight. I grunted as I moved towards my bookshelf. I placed my novel between the other books. As I was rearranging the shelf, a book fell on the floor.

I picked it up and wiped a layer of dust off of it. It had to be my diary. I could almost hear fate laughing at me.
Why? Why only that book?

I choked back a sob as I flipped through the pages of my diary, a remainder of how perfect my life had once been. I had left writing in my diary after the accident. My life was not worth writing about.

After a while, I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in.",I said, wiping my face with my hand.

Dad poked his head through my door and smiled at me.
"There's my princess."

"Hey, dad.", I gave him a smile. I tucked the diary beneath the folds of my cloth and moved towards my bed. I patted a space on my bed and asked him to sit down. His blonde hair was combed back neatly, as usual. His beard was well trimmed and he wore a casual, black t-shirt over camo pants. His spectacles neatly sat on his nose. For his age, he was extremely fit and healthy.

"What's up, dad?"
"I never get time to talk to you. You spend the whole evening with your tutor.",dad said the word 'tutor' as if it meant something else.
I rolled my eyes.
"Does he teach well? Is he even a nice guy?",dad asked, switching to his overprotective-dad mode.
"Yeah. He's a nice guy.",I shrugged.
And also devilishly handsome.

"Uhh umm...So I got you something.",dad said.

"Really? What is it?!",I asked.

He grinned at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he pulled out a box from behind.

"Oh my god! A new phone!", I screeched.

He plugged his ear with his finger and closed an eye.
"Oops.",I said as I grabbed the box from his hand and opened it. A beautiful, rose gold coloured phone sat in a velvet case. A beautiful, pink popsocket in the shape of a rose sat beside it.

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