People stopped and stared at the bald boy.
People pointed and asked very rude and personal questions.
People paid their respects to Thor, as if his brother wasn't standing next to him, still alive and embarrassed by the exchange.
Thor just herded his brother into the hospital as quickly as physically possible.
This was it.
Loki wasn't leaving this place.
"They've put me into the end of life program," Loki wheezed, clutching the letter so tightly it crumpled. "September 17th, Thor."
"You won't go,"
"I have to go. I either go or stay here to die faster."
"The war must be over soon!"
"Don't you get it? The war will never end, Thor." Loki placed his head onto the table and breathed deeply, feeling his blood burn. "I'm sorry. It is what it is."
They had argued back and forth for days but now it was September 17th and Loki was sitting in a pale blue room with footballs and fairies painting the walls. Thor was placed on the chair beside him, gripping his hand and making pointless comments on the surroundings.
"Good morning, Lucas." Dr Brian Banner greeted, closing the door behind him. "Bruce tells me you lost your hair, correct?"
"Is it not obvious?" Loki snapped sarcastically, fixing the black baseball cap on his head. He disliked this man. He disliked the way Bruce feared him. "Yes, I lost my hair. I lost some of my dignity too. What's next, I wonder? My life perhaps?"
"Mr Hiddlesworth-,"
"Oh, sod off!" Loki growled, folding his skinny arms across his chest. "I don't want your sympathy or pleasantries, Dr Banner. Just do your bloody job."
"Very well," the doctor sighed.
Loki instinctively reached to tug at his hair and Thor was sure he would throw something when he was greeted with a shaven head.
"Things will get better, son."
"No. They won't. I'll die here; you'll get your pay check, go home and forget about me."
"Hmm, if it only were that easy." Brian rolled his eyes and Thor wanted to strangle the man to death. "If only we could forget.
Personal Notes of Thor Odinson
September 20th
Loki has taken a bad turn. He sleeps all day.
It's horrible to see him so... lifeless, but its worse when he's awake. He cries and he begs me to stop it. I'm not quite sure what he means by that and I don't think I want to know.
Heimdell returned looking rather beat down and saddened, claiming that the war was only just reaching its peak. It could potentially continue for weeks... time that Loki quite clearly didn't have.
He is pumped full of medicine and sedatives; the monitors and wires have become a part of him now.
I'm hanging onto any hope I can grasp. But it's rare and disappointing. I'm trying. Lord help me, I am trying.
September 23rd
Loki was awake for a few hours this morning. He wrote me some notes whilst the doctors weren't watching.
I love you.
God, the food sucks here.
Your eyes are the color of Neptune's ocean.
My nose is itchy.
I miss your kisses.
Could we smuggle a puppy in here?
You're so beautiful.
You have my heart <3
I was just so happy to have my love back; it was heartbreaking to watch him crumple again.
Heimdell is gone.
Kieran's Grandmother passed away so we don't see him anymore.
Bruce is M.I.A. Brian is a D.I.C.K.
I don't think I can do this on my own.
September 25th
Loki can't breathe on his own. Brian says that his lungs are collapsing.
They got into contact with social services but they won't take me away from him, not now, not ever.
I haven't heard his voice or felt his lips on mine in two days and its killing me.
My heart hurts constantly.
Is that normal?
September 26th
His heart stopped twice.
His weight has dropped to 5 stone.
Heimdell has not returned.
Police are everywhere.
I'm scared.
They say it's just a matter of days.
So, this will be the last chapter...
I'm just kidding, there will be one more. I'll post it tonight or tomorrow <3