ten • irl

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alana sighs as she continues to walk down the cold streets of vancouver. she is currently doing a coffee run for everyone on set since everyone is practically dead. once she reaches starbucks she orders everyone's drinks and patiently waits until her name is called which doesn't take long since it's early in the morning.

after she grabs the cup trays she leaves the starbucks and runs straight into someone. she quickly steadies herself so she doesn't drop any of the coffees and after quickly asks if the other person is okay.

"yeah, i'm fine. sorry, i should've been watching where i was going"

alana's eyes widen as she instantly recognises the voice. the soft angelic voice of the girl she fell in love with. their eyes meet and alycia's eyes widen as her mouth opens and closes as she tries to think of what to say.

"uh, what are you doing here?" alana asks; mentally face palming herself at how stupid she sounds. she licks her lips as she moves slightly to be more comfortable, well as comfortable as she could be while holding 10 coffees.

"i'm filming for fear the walking dead" she answers and alana nods as she remembers seeing it on instagram.



"you first"

"i-i have to get back to set" alana nods her head softly, "but it was nice seeing you again" she finishes and alycia smiles slightly.

"yeah, i'll see you around" she replies before walking the opposite direction.

alana instantly lets out a breath she didn't realise she was holding in. she didn't realise seeing alycia again would have this effect on her. her racing heart, sweaty palms and nervous stutter. she could feel the tears forming as her heart dropped. it had almost been five months since the break-up and she still had this effect on her.

she let out a breath and wiped her face before making her way back to set.


"hey, i need to talk to you" nadia says as she grabs alana's hand and pulls her away from eliza and chris.

"what's up?" alana asks as she crosses her arms over her chest.

nadia nervously moves from foot to foot as she tries hard to make sense of all the thoughts rushing through her brain so she didn't sound crazy with what she was about to tell alana. she lets out a deep breath and closes her eyes, scared of what her friend's reaction will be.

"i think I like lindsey"

a grin takes over alana's face, "you're joking?" she asks and nadia becomes nervous as she shakes her head. alana jumps up before pulling her into a hug, "yes! that's amazing. i never thought this day would come!"

nadia's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she looks at her shorter friend, "what do you mean?"

"are you serious?" alana laughs, "i've shipped sea mechanic for the longest time and if i'm being honest i'm 99.9 percent sure that lindsey likes you as well." alana admits and the biggest smile takes over nadia's features.

"are you serious?"

"well, there is only one way to find out" alana smirks as she looks at her friends' confused face.


before nadia can say anything alana pushes her back slightly causing her to lose her balance and run straight into...lindsey. nadia turns around and flips alana off who just laughs in response before she turns back around to face a smiling lindsey.

alana smiles at the two and walks back over to eliza who is looking rather nervous. alana shakes it off thinking that she just has a hard scene coming up.

"nadia and lindsey are finally getting together. now all i need is for you and chloe to get together" alana says, nudging eliza in a joking manner.

eliza laughs nervously which alana notices before asking if she's okay, "i need to tell you something"

"what is it?" alana asks as she places her hand supportively on eliza's shoulder.

eliza smiles as she lets out a deep breath, "chloe and i are dating..."

alana lets out a small scream as she jumps up and down while clapping her hands, "fucking finally" she says as she nudges eliza's shoulder. "i never thought this day would come"

the two girls hug before bob comes over and steals eliza for a scene. alana sighs as she sits down and pulls out her phone. she sees a message from alycia. she debates whether on not to open it.

"stop being such a pussy" alana mumbles to herself as she opens the message.

she reads the message over and over to herself. she wants to reply, but she doesn't as well. alycia caused her so much pain and of course she misses her, but why would she bring that back into her life.

she doesn't have much time to think about it as she has to go film her scene with maria.

uh i don't know why everyone was getting together in this chapter!

D I S C L A I M E R :

- I'm pretty sure Eliza, Nadia + Lindsey are straight irl, this book is fiction!!
- I know Lindsey has a boyfriend irl, but I ship her and Nadia so MUCH OML. I just had to do it.

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