CH. 5

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Sam's P.O.V

It's 10 a.m. , I have a headache, and I wake up with Ashley next to me? I could barely remember last night. I probably asked her to stay the night, because I was drunk. When I'm drunk I don't like to be alone. I wouldn't want to be alone without with Ash right now. She looks so cute when she's asleep. Stop saying she's cute Sam! I notice I have my arm around her waist and her hand is on my arm. "Ugghhh." she says. Crap, I woke her up.


Ashley's P.O.V

I open my eyes and look around. I'm in Sam's room. "Ugghhh." I say kind of loud. "Good morning sunshine." Sam says. "What time is it?" I ask. "10:30 a.m." he replies. I notice he still has his arm around my waist. Tight. I snake out of his arms, stand up, and stretch. He starts to stare at me. "What chu looking at Wilkinson?" I say to him. He just laughs. "Nothing. Just looking." he says. I look up, down, and up again. "At what?" I ask confused. He stands up and walks towards me. "You." he says. I'm thinking to myself and right I look like shit. "I look terrible right now." I say covering my face. He takes my hands off my face and says "I think you look perfectly fine." "Okay, stop being weird Sam." I tell him and playfully push him. I didn't notice when I pushed him, he had a hold of my wrist. So, fall on top of him. Greaaaat. We both started to laugh and then it got quite. I just lay on top of him awarkdly. "Ash?" he says.

I just look at him and say "yeah?" "Do you wanna get breakfast with me?" he asks. "I thought you'd never ask!" I say sarcastically. He just laughs. I get off of him and tell him I'm gonna change real quick and I'll meet him outside.

I quickly go up to my room and change. I change into black leggings, white CAMI, red plaid shirt, and black flip flops. I throw my hair into a pony tail and walk out the door.

"You good?" Sam asks. "Never better!" I reply back.

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