CH. 56

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Ashley's P.O.V

Last day in Miami. It was fun at first, but you know.

I wake up and Taylor's in bed with me. He has his arm wrapped around my waist and won't let go. I whisper "Taylor, let go. I have to pee." "But I want you stay in bed with me." He pouts.

After what happened with Sam, Taylor has been there for me so much. When I'm sad, he makes me laugh and cuddles with me. He's so sweet. Sometimes when I laugh, he'll take a video and post it to Snapchat. I always take pictures with him. Dumb ones, funny ones, and cute ones.

After Miami, I only have 2 months of school left. I got a scholarship to UCLA for basketball. I'll be going there in the fall. When I told Taylor, he was so happy for me! He said that after graduation I could stay with and Dillon while I go to college. I honestly can't wait.

Taylor's P.O.V

These past few days with Ashley have been great. She's so funny, cute, down to earth, and most of all beautiful.

After all the stuff she's been through with Sam, she's been so sad. I tell her a couple of jokes and tickle her to get her to laugh. When she laughs, that smile if hers. I love her smile. Can't wait for her to graduate and come live with me and Dillon. She doesn't know it yet, but I'm coming to get graduation to surprise her.

"What do you want to do today since it's our last day in Miami?" I ask her. She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know, something fun." She says. I pull her by her waist and look straight into her light brown eyes and put my forehead against hers. She smiles. "Let's go swimming and then go to Rascal's." "Sounds fun." She says. "You're so beautiful." She starts to blush. Ugh this girl is something else.

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