CH. 58

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Ashley's P.O.V

All of Sam's friends were starting at me when the girls and I were practicing... I have to admit some of his friends are sooo cute.

I walk over to the bench to grab my shirt and Nike bag, then big Mike comes over to me. "Hey Ash, what's up?" "I'm good, are guys about to hoop?" I ask him. "Yeah, you looked good out there." "Thanks! I can't wait until our first game. Oh and by the way, you had a great football season." I tell him. He plays football for the school and he's super good too. He just plays like pick up games with the basketball boys. "Thanks gur." I laugh. "We should hang out on Friday." He says. I mean I haven't hung out with Mike in forever. We haven't really hung out just us. It was usually with Sam and the Jack's. I think it would be fun me and him. "Okay, pick me up at my house at 7?" I smile and put my hand on his shoulder. He nods, "okay I'll see you then." he pulls me into a hug and then I go to the parking lot and drive home.

Sam's P.O.V

I set my stuff down and I see Ashley and big Mike talking. They were laughing and she was touching his shoulder. Okay, I'm kind of jealous. Then she looks up to him and he pulls her into a hug. Now, I'm really jealous.
"Hey man, what were you and Ashley taking about?" "I just made plans with her for Friday." I scratch my head. "I thought you, me, and jack's were hanging out." "Shit man! I totally forgot. We can all hang another time. Just hang out with out me." How does he forget that?

*Friday night*

Ashley's P.O.V

It's finally Friday and I'm hanging out with Mike. I go to my closet and pick out my outfit. Light blue skinny jeans, all Black high tops, and a Black westside hoodie. I wear my hair in its natural waves.

Big Mikey (-: : I'm here goofball.
Me: okay I'm coming out weirdo.

He's silly I swear.

I hop in his Chevy Malibu and hug him. "How are you?" He asks. "I'm good, you?" I say. "I'm alright. You look beautiful by the way." I start to blush. "Thank you Mikey." I give him a big hug. He just smiles. Ugh he's such a sweetheart.


We decided to go to the arcade and have some fun. Before I can get out of his car, he comes to the side and opens my door. "Shall we?" "We shall."

We walk in and I see a air hockey table and run straight to it. I freaking love air hockey. Mike starts to laugh. "You're adorable." He makes me blush so hard. "Haha. Now let me beat your ass in air hockey." "Smhhhh. Okay your on." After 15 minutes, I beat him twice!
"I beat big mike... Twice!" I just loving it in his face. "You're lucky you're cute." He grabs my hand and takes me out to the car. "I'm hungry. Let's get McDonald's!" I say.  He nods his head and drives to McDonald's.

Sam's P.O.V

"Will you hurry up and order already!" I day to Johnson. He takes forever to order and he usually gets the same thing every time. "Fine, I want two big macs and a large sweet tea." Same fucking thing he always gets. We all sit down and eat. Then, Gilinsky's eyes get big. "What are you wide eyed about? I ask. He points to tell me to turn around. I turn around and see shit I do not like.

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