CH. 51

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Ashley's P.O.V

Today's Sam's birthday. When we were just best friends. I would always take him out to lunch. Now, since we're friends, but together I guess you could say, he's been all over me. Just because I tried to surprise him.

The boys wanted to go to Rascal's to have fun on Sam's bday. When we got there, I was waffling in front of all the boys and Sam catches up, kisses my check, and grabs my hand. All the guys were hollering and carrying on. I just turned around and flipped them off with a smile of course.

"Sam let's take pic bro." Gilinsky said. "Aliright, but your next Ash." he winks. I look decent, I guess I'll do it for the birthday boy. Gilinsky and Sam take stupid pictures. They were funny though. "Get over here good looking." Sam said. I walk over, he puts his arm around my waist, and I grab his face. He started laughing. Then, I hop on his back and take pic. And of course there were a lot of caught off guard ones too. Sam takes his phone from Jack. "We look good." he smirks while looking at the pictures. I just took my eyes and laugh. They were cute pictures, because Sam is 6ft and I'm 5'5", so him bending down to kiss his face was too cute.

I posted the pic on twitter. My caption was "@ashsumner: my lil birthday boy :-)" . I posted the one of me kissing his face.

He commented back; "@sammywilk: @ashsumner thanks ash , but I'm bigger than you. ;-)" he replied.

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