CH. 59

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Ashley's P.O.V

We get to McDonald's, Mike opens my door to get out. Such a gentleman. "Too sweet Mike!" "What do you mean?" "Opening the door for me and stuff." "Anything for beautiful girl." He says. I'm blushing so hard right now. I look down and grabs my hands intertwines our fingers together. I don't know what it is, but 'this' feels so right.

We get to the counter and I order and then Mike. "Will you get me a Coke?" Mike asks. I nod and walk over to the drinks. I here someone laugh loud and it sounds familiar.. shit. I know that laugh from anywhere. Fucking Gilinsky. They probably saw Mike and I. I turn around to see them and Sam doesn't look happy. Oh fucking well.

Sam's P.O.V

They were holding fucking hands. What are they? A couple? Shit pisses me off. I see them sit down. They're close, but not close enough to hear what they are taking about.  "Bro, Ashley looks... good." Johnson said. "You don't think I know that, dumbass?" I say back. I want her back back. No, I need her.

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