Chapter 1

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One word. A name, but kept so close and dear to my heart. Just five simple letters, that it. That's all it took. Those five letters that hold so much meaning to me. They all say her name means 'A shining light' and to me that's exactly who and what she was.

A shining light, helping those who are trapped within themselves. Begging and pleading for somebody to come and save them or to help them out of the place they seem to be desperatley trying to escape from. Stuck trying to get past the demons that still haunt them from years ago. The demons who you think are gone, who should be gone, but yet, here they are still lurking in the deepest, darkest shadows of your soul creating an internal war within yourself.

She rescued me from them all. One by one, she shed light onto all of them and made them easily disappear with the snap of her fingers. To my suprise, she, unlike everybody else who has ever tried to help me, began to slowly peal back all of my layers and take a real, genuine, look at who I truly am under all of this extra baggage I reluctantly carry around with me. No judgement from her what so ever. She excepted me in my raw form that I was in, when everybody else would turn and shy away from my problems that still troubled me, instead of facing them head on. That's how she's different from everybody else in this world.

She began healing me with every kiss and "I love you" spoken. Every touch and feel from her fingertips onto my naked skin, I slowly became better. Slowly started to release these demons that were chained deep inside of me for far to long. She healed me in a way I never thought was humanly possible. Now it was my turn to heal her.

I need and have to everything in my power to help her in any way that I possibly can. Deep down I can still see who she used to be, who I remember her being. My light, pulling me through. She's just not like that on the surface anymore and she has her reasons. I will spend everyday for the rest of my life, as long as it may take, to relieve her from her devilish demons that haunt her because I love her. I love Ellie. Ellie Robinson. I'm still madly in love with her. That's one thing will never change even after all of these years, but one thing will. This time the roles are reversed and I have to be her light now. The light that will forever shine on her and rescue her from whatever she is battling. That's who I am now. A light. Ellie's shining light.

***THREE years ago***


It was a windy fall evening and Ellie and her parents were at home just finishing up dinner, like they normally would on any given weekday. It was just the three of them, Ellie was an only child. She was eighteen and was a senior in school. She couldn't even count on her fingers how many times she had begged and wished to have a younger sibling. Somebody to just keep her company. She always pictured herself playing and teaching her younger sibling right from wrong but she never got the chance. The bottom line being that she was just lonely.

You wouldn't say that she was popular in school, but you also wouldnt say that she was a nobody , she was average if not a little bit better off than that. She had friends and plently of them. Not to even mention the countless boys who would constantly drool over her for her to barely even notice them in return. Ellie herself was a natural beauty in any and everybodys eyes, except her own. She would always get boys attention from every single, yet simple thing she did. People say that she had to of noticed all of the extra attention thrown her way, but that's just how she was and she seemed to never notice. She just thought it was different, nothing more and nothing less than that. Ellie would kindly decline every offer, date, or hookup the boys would push upon her because she only really had eyes for one person.

Eyes for one boy, who always seemed shut out the rest of the world. Always somewhere else in his mind, rather than where his body actually was. She was almost intrigued by him, just the way he did simple things. The way he would walk, how he would figit in his seat during class, or how he would tossle his beautiful brown curls away from his eyes. He was simply perplexing to her.

She continued to watch him from afar until one day she was gently tapped on the shoulder from somebody during third period math. She slowly turned her head around and looked at the person who had tapped her on the shoulder. It was him.

"Hey. Do you know to do any of this?" He asked. In a slightly ignorant and harsh tone.

"Yeah. I understand it. Why?" Ellie asked

"I have no fucking clue what we're learning right now!" He practically shouted, earning a few stares from other people around the room. Ellie blushed and silently looked down at her lap. He spoke again. She's been waiting for this day for him to talk to her for weeks now, only for him to be rude.

"What do you want me to do about that?" She fired back at him with the same tone he had a short while earlier with her. He scoffed and shook his head. She followed and turned her head back around to continue paying attention to what the teacher was teaching before she got rudely interupted. She thought after all this time of picturing what he would be like in her head that he would be totally the opposite from how he just was just minutes ago. Jerk. What a jerk, she thought to herself.

The class bell rang, signaling that it was time to switch classes and go to period four. Just as she and everybody else from the class got up out of their seats the teacher called both her and Harry over to his desk.

"Miss Robinson. Mr. Styles. I heard a bit of your conversation today during class. What's going on?" The teacher asked both of them.

"It was nothing. I'm very sorry Mr. Bayne. It won't ever happen again." Ellie said as she looked at Harry for a split second to see how he reacted. Nothing. Go figure.

"Actually, Mr. Bayne. I was asking her if she knew what we were learning in class because I am terribly confused on the entire concept." Mr. Bayne nodded his head in understanding and then spoke.

"Funny how things work out, huh?" Mr. Bayne quietly chuckled to himself.

"I was going to actually ask you Ellie, if you would be interested in tutoring Harry because it seems like he is failing this class with a 48% and you are excelling with exactly 100% in this class. What do you say? Just about giving him a couple of tutoring lessons to help him catch up and understand what we're doing in class?" She could see Harry with cold eyes and a smirk on his face from the corner of her eyes.

"Uh-um. Sure, I will." Harry let out an annoyed huff and rolled his eyes.

"Okay. How does that sound Harry?" Mr. Bayne asked towards Harry.

"Perfect. Just perfect." He was sarcastic that's for sure.

"Good. How about you guys meet up tonight at Ellie's house. I'm sure her parents won't mind. They're lovely people, I've met them before." Ellie nodded her head in confirmation and looked over to Harry to see his usual, unhappy grin.

"Okay, well you two kids get to some studying tonight and try not to rip off each others heads okay?" Mr. Bayne questioned, but it was really more like a command.

Ellie and Harry walked out of the room together and into the hallway which was dead and desserted.

"You can come to my place around 6:30. I'll see you there." Ellie softley spoke from her spot that was behind Harry. He turned around to look at her.

"Whatever, I'll be there." With that he walked away and to Ellie's dismay, still leaving her completely and utterly fascinated with Harry, the most ignorant, yet at the exact same time, the most intriging boy she couldn't get out of her mind.

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