Chapter 5

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*Hey guys sorry I haven't updated this story in a long time! I'm not gonna give you any shitty excuses of to why I didn't because I don't have any good ones! So sorry! Hope this chapter makes up for it!:)*


Last night was anything but ordinary. All it took was one kiss. One kiss to change the outcome of the night. One kiss to change the outcome of my heart. For a while now I've felt like my heart was just inside of my body to occupy space, but from the second her delicate lips touched mine something lit inside of me. A warm feeling suddenly started to bore itself deep inside my heart and started to bring my heart back to life, give my heart back it's warmth that it once had a while ago but lost it because of my reckless, stupid behavior.

I rake myself out of deep thoughts as I remind myself of where I'm at currently.I'm laying on my side with my arms wrapped around Ellie while she is still deep in her sleep. I've been up for around an hour or so, give or take some, just calmy laying beside Ellie just listening to her breathing. In and out, in and out. Her breathing is at a constant rate and just by simply listening to it and it's simplicity it seemed to calm me and keep me at ease. As stereotypical as that may sound, it is the abesolute truth.

I have one of my arms securely around her while the other is now roaming her body. No pervy things intended. My left hand is playing with her long brown hair that cascades over her shoulders and onto the pillow in an effortless way but still she seems to make it look beautiful. Beautiful. Such a odd word to say. Actually, more like for me to say. I've never once called a girl beautiful, besides my mum and Gem, but they don't technically count because they are family. I would and could have used the word but I've never come across somebody to even say the word to.

All you had to do was take one look at Ellie and that was the first word that instantly came to your mind, beautiful. She was the definition of beautiful. Honestly, Ellie is the most beautiful girl I have ever layed my eyes on. Not is she just on the outside but on the inside as well. And both of her beauty's are effortless, she doesn't even have to try. That's the best part about it.

From staying up all night just talking to her you could tell. One thing about her is that she cares so much, too much even, about everybody. Just listening to how she could go on and talk about her parents or her friends it showed or how when you were talking to her about something she seemed to block everything out and solely focus on just you and what you were saying to her. As if you were the only person in the room, well I was at the time, but that is besides the point. The way when you were talking and she stared up at you with the biggest green eyes that glistened when she found something amusing or funny. I love her.

Call me crazy. But I do. And don't go all "You've only really known her for what? Not even a full day?" Don't. Because I am in love with her and it is as simple as that. I do. Nothing can change the way I feel about her. Time is merely numbers signifying if you are or not on time, it doesn't determine the way you feel about someone or if you love them. And with a girl like Ellie, how could you not automatically fall for her? I've known her all my life. We have gone to school with each other since we were in Primary School. It's just we have never talked, though something about me was always drawn to her in a way, but I just never acted upon that feeling, but I know I always should have.

Until a couple days ago when I tapped on her shoulder, I never had enough courage to talk to her. And another thing is that I knew perfectly well what we were learning in math class that day. I'm definitley not dumb, it was all just a ploy to get her to talk to me. I've been dying to get her to talk to me because a beauty like her would not just talk to me out of the blue. I'm nothing out of the ordinary. Just an average boy, average looks, average personality. I needed to have a reason for her to talk to me, and if purposely failing a class was a a good enough reason, then I would take it. I did take it and now look where I am. Holding the girl I've liked, or do I say loved for the last year, in my arms. I say my reason was a great one.

I looked down to Ellie to see that she was slowly waking up.With a weird grunt noise she tossled in my arms and opened up her eyes. She's so cute. She looked at me for a minute before peaking up.

"Hi" Ellie said with a small smile while squinting her eyes getting adjusted to the light coming in from the windows.

"Hi" I said as I gently tilted down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Did you sleep well love?" She nodded her head signaling 'yes.'

"How long have you been up?" Ellie questioned curiously.

"Around an hour. Not that long."

"Not that long? Awe Harry you should have woke me up. Why didn't you?"

"I wasn't bored or anything if thats what your thinking. I was watching you sleep." Okay that sounded a little creepy.

"Oh. Haha that's not weird or anything?" Ellie stated jokingly with some seriousness in her tone.

"No it's not weird. Your look so peaceful when your sleeping and beautiful. Your basically like sleeping beauty. My sleeping beauty." Ellie blushed from my comment but it was the truth.

"Harrrrrryyyy." Ellie whined and shoved her head deep into the crease of my neck. I laughed at how shy she was acting. She had nothing to be shy about.

"It's true though , your absolutely beautiful." I spoke as I gently removed her head from my neck so that I could see her eyes.

"You know, your absolutely adorable and lovable " I said with a small smirk and Ellie just laughed.

"You know, that your the sweetest?" Ellie mentioned as she twirled my curly hair in between her pointer finger and her thumb.

"I try." Ellie laughed at loud this time. Putting the saying "lol" to life.

She then leaned up and placed her lips on mine. At first it was just a small peck until I bit her bottom lip asking for an entrance, wish she great fully granted. Our tongues moved in motions with each other until she pulled away.

"Ugh we have school." Ellie complained as she looked at me .

"I know. It sucks but on the bright side were in all of the same classes. " Ellie simply smiled and nodded.

She got up out of bed and went to her closet to find something to wear and came out with dark blue skinny jeans and a tight black V neck tshirt to wear with it. I figured that I was just gonna wear what I wore yesterday since I wear the same type of clothes every single day nobody should really notice.

"Okay I'm gonna change." Ellie spoke as she looked at me while I was putting on my shoes.

"Okay sound good." I spoke as I continued to tie my shoes thinking she was going to get changed but I thought wrong. I stopped tying my shoes when I heard Ellie clear her throat.

"Uh can you turn around or something?" Ellie asked cautiously.

"You don't have to be shy in front of me , Ellie. Your beautiful."

"I'm really no-"

"I don't think you should finish that sentence because that would be a complete lie. You are the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world." She looked down at the ground and blushed and I tilted her head up so she could see me.

"I'll leave you alone to get changed ,but I want you to be comfortable around me because I love you."

"Thank you I love you." With that I got up off of the bed and made my way to her door.

I was playing on my phone waiting for Ellie to get done changing and then I heard the door open.

She smiled brightly at me and shut her door behind her.

"You look lovely today." I complemented Ellie as we walked down the steps to leave.

"Thank you." A small giggle escaping her lips. We reached the door when I felt Ellie's hand grab mine and with a smile on my face, we made our way out to my car and started on our way to school. Today was going to be a good day I can already tell. All thanks to one person.



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