Chapter 3

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After Ellie had bandaged my hand up she cleaned up her materials and said that we should really get back to studying.

I followed her out of the bathroom and back onto her bed. We sat down and opened our books up again to page 225.

Ellie started to explain to me the lesson we had started to learn in class today but I couldn't focus. My mind was throwing itself in all different places, some I wished that it would just stay out of because it would cause me less problems.But it failed to listen to me. There was only one thing floating in my mind at this moment and her name was Ellie. How could she care for me so much, almost too much, to the point to where she helps me with my hand when she barely knows me? It doesn't make sense. I bet it's only because she feels bad for me and sees how lonely I am most of the time, but something deep within me hoped that wasn't the case.

Ellie was talking out loud explaining another theory when she noticed that I wasn't listening.

"You know you won't learn anything if you don't pay attention when I'm trying to explain it to you, Harry." I just shrugged her off. I was to busy thinking.

"What are you thinking about Harry?" Ellie questioned. Here we go with these questions again. Only this time I wasn't willing to tell her because it involved her. I didn't respond to her words this time either.

"You can tell me anything Harry. I promise I wouldn't tell anyone." She looked at me with the most sincere expression that tugged on the edges of my heart.

"It's nothing." i quietly replied.

"So were back to this now, really? I thought we've moved past this. I thought maybe we could actually be friends." Friends? Ellie wanted to be friends with me? Why?

"Friends? Why?"

"Uh well. I don't know, I thought that maybe you would want to be friends with me. But if you don't, I guess that would be alright too." She seems like she was being genuine.

"I would really like that. To be friends I mean." I was shy you could say. I'm not really good at making friends. I'm very secluded and private most of the time, so my only real friend is Louis, though he's more like a brother to me now. But none the less.

"Good so if we are friends could you tell me what you were thinking about earlier?" Ellie asked with a cheeky grin.

"Were back to this again?" I repeated her words from earlier. She let out a large laugh in response. The sound of her laugh was like nothing I've ever heard before. It was so light and breathy, it sounded like an angel. It was the kind of laugh that when it happened, it made you instantly happy. Now I can only wish for her to laugh some more.

"Using my words against me, huh?" I laughed and nodded.

"But seriously tell me." Ellie was serious this time, she was very curious.

"You really want to know?" I questioned one last time before preceding. She nodded, my cue to continue.

"Well I was actually thinking about you." Her eyes that were just only seconds ago staring up intently at me had fallen and a light scarlet color had taken over her cheeks.

"What about me?" Ellie spoke, still looking down.

"Why you cared so much. Why you took it upon yourself to help me with my hand. Nobody has cared about me in a long time." I was instantly back at being shy.

"I do care about you. I'm sure you don't know this but for the past couple of weeks I was wishing that you'd maybe talk to me." From the second she said that I don't know what, but a huge wave of hope came over. Hope that maybe she liked me? Maybe.


"Yes. I don't know what it is but I feel like I'm drawn to you. You seem so intriguing and mysterious and that interested me. I guess." If Ellie's cheeks could get any redder she would explode.

"I'm kind of glad." Why did I say that. Now I'll have to tell her that I've secretly like her for the longest time. Stupid Harry.

"Glad? Why?" Ellie questioned looking into my eyes.

"I can't tell you. You'll think I'm some weird stalker." I frowned.

"I don't think I could ever think that about you." There it was again. That feeling of hope.

"I've been watching you in class. Actually all of our classes we have together. There's just something about you that makes you different from the rest of them but I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's your beauty that drew me in and your laugh and the way when your working on something in math, that you don't quite understand yet, your eyebrows knit together in confusion. It's so cute." Cute, when's the last time I've said that word. She's already doing things to me.

"That's so sweet of you. I feel the exact same way about you." She smiled at me and gently stood up on her knees on the bed and bent over towards me and kissed my cheek.

The feelings of emotions were swirling through me the minute her lips touched my skin. Leaving my skin with a hot and tingly feeling that didn't feel the need to subside and my heart. My heart, it felt as if somebody shed light on it again and the warmth started to slowly return to it and start to begin to properly function again.

That is what this girl is doing to me, shedding light on my cold, but slowly recovering, heart.

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