Chapter 2

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***Okay guys, the story right now is set 3 years ago when Ellie & Harry are both 18 and are both seniors. Ellie will get kidnapped when her and Harry are 19 years old and she will be missing for two years. The story will lead up to Ellie getting kidnapped and talk in the past tense until then. Then when she does get taken and the story reaches that point, which won't be for a while, I will start to talk in the present and start refering back to things that happened in the past. So keep a close eye out for everything I say about what went on between them in the past, it will help in the future! Okay thanks, love you guys!***


After my little encounter with Harry earlier, I figured I should really try to avoid him and not make eye contact with him for probably the rest of the day. Which won't exactly be easy because we have ALL of the same classes together. The exact same schedule. Coinincidence? Awesome right? OH and don't forget the fact that he's coming over to my house to study tonight, which I see definitley not going well. Thanks Mr. Bayne. But I told Mr. Bayne I would, so I'll keep my word, I always do. I'm not one to break promises, I prefer to keep them because I'm a fixer, or so I have been told before. I like to fix other peoples problems for them and make sure there okay and I like to let people confide in me. I get a sense of pride once I help somebody and let them tell me what's wrong. I normally always find a way myself to fix their problems, but if I can't I feel as if I failed that person who just put all of their trust into me by telling me private things and feel aweful. That's why I'm still agreeing to tutor Harry because even though he may act like he could care less about learning about what we are doing in class, I can just tell he thinks differently by how his body talks. His body language says the complete opposite, but hey I can't help him if he's not going to try. I just hope this night goes smoothily.

The rest of the day passed by somewhat at a slower pace and I thankfully, avoided any awkward run-ins I could have had with Harry. The only time I really saw him was at lunch, period 5, in the lunchroom when he walked in with one of his friends. I didn't know the name of the kid who he was walking with, but just from his appearance I felt somewhat uneasy? I think, he just didn't look like the nicest person. But to each his own. Maybe he's a nice person. Only Harry would know. Now I was curious. I have to remember to ask Harry who he is tonight.

It's 6:15 now and Harry should be here any minute. After school ended today I walked home like I usually did. When I walking I was just about to turn a corner to head down my street when I saw somebody who looked familiar. It was the same boy Harry was walking into the Cafeteria with at lunch today, but this time the boy was with somebody else. This other boy was taller and on the skinnier side. He had dark black hair with a bit of a beard. That's all I could really see from where I was standing, hidding in amongst some trees. But I could tell that what they were talking about seemed to be secretive because they were standing so close to each other and whispering closely to each other. The boy who was with Harry earlier seemed to be paranoid, he kept looking around to make sure nobody could see them. That's so weird.

I shook it off though and finished my walk home. The clock is ticking. It's 6:27. Harry better show up, I cancelled hanging out with Bella because I had to tutor him. Bella was upset when I told her that I could not show up to hangout. I felt bad and on top of that I had to lie to her. I didn't want to tell her that I was tutoring him because she would either call me lame for being smart or judge me for letting Harry over to my house. Either way I was screwed. So I just lied. Nobody will ever find out.

'knock at the door' There was a loud knock at the door so I made my way up, off the couch and towards the door. I opened it to see Harry wearing his infamous tight, black skinny jeans with holes in them, a black short sleeved top, his brown boots that look like they have most definitley seen better days, and a green beanie. If I could take a picture of what he looks like right now, so that I could keep it to look at for the rest of my life I would be pretty content. Damn him, he's so hot. I was knocked out of my thoughts my a deep, accented voice, that only belonged to one person.

"So are you going to let me in? Or am I going to have to stand out here freezing, for the rest of the night?" He asked. Smug bastard. I was going to let you in.

"Nah, I was thinking we could study out here seeing as how hot it is right now." I said with a sarcastic tone in my voice.

"Sassy, huh?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows.

"Whatever. Just come inside." I opened the door and he walked inside rubbing his arms to keep them warm.

"Okay so were just going to go up to my bedroom to study because that's where all my books are at. Is that okay with you?" I asked as I was already half way up the steps.

"Whatever. I don't care." Yeah, he's definitley going to be a hard one to crack.

I took a seat on my king sized bed and Harry did the same, sitting directing across from me. I grabbed my book from my night stand and brought it over and placed it in my lap.

"Okay Harry, open to page 225 and that's where we'll start." I told him. He began to open his book to page 225 when something caught my attention. It was his hand. I looked up to see if he saw me starring at his knuckles, but he hadn't seen a thing.

"Uh-Harry, what's wrong with your hand?" I questioned. His eyes immediately went wide and he hid his hand behind his back.

"Nothing, it's nothing." He said with a very slow, deep voice.

"Harry. Don't lie to me. I can tell when people are lying. Your lying. So tell me what happened. " I grabbed his hand from behind his back and studied it. His knuckles were red and swollen and had blood all over them. On some of his knuckles the skin was broke open.

"I got into a fight with some guy." Harry said while feeling ashamed and looking down at his left hand that wasn't hurt.

"Who?" I asked with a bit of authority in her voice.

"I don't know?" Harry said. He truly had no clue who it was that attacked him but he wasn't worried because he beat the shit out of the other guy who was bleeding all over. He only came back with bruised knuckles.

"Harry, who?!" I practically screamed.

" I don't know Ellie, I was attacked by some random ass guy. I have no clue who he is or why he did it. But I beat the shit out of him, so no worries." He said calmy.

"No worries? Harry look at your hand it looks aweful. Come with me." I got up of the bed with his hand in mine and dragged him into the bathroom.

"Here." I pointed. "Sit on the toilet." He obeyed and sat down. I got out some hyrogen peroxide and started to clean Harry's hand.

"You don't have to do all of this Ellie. I'm fine."

"Look at your hand Harry. Stop being stubborn and shut up." He was a bit amused on how she was acting. Never in his life had he had somebody who cared enough for him to do this. Atleast he thinks Ellie cares about him.

She wipped of his hand first with water and then spoke. "Okay Harry, this is going to sting a little. Okay?" Harry nodded in confirmation and I lightly dabbed the cotton ball with the antibiotic on it, over his knuckles. Harry hissed from the sensation and closed his eyes.

I grabbed out a peice of gauze and wrapped it around Harry's knuckles. He admired how motherly her actions were and how gentle and caring she was to him.

"Okay all done." I said as she stood up from where she kneeled infront of Harry.

"Thanks. You didn't really have to do that. I could of." Harry quietly spoke.

"No problem. And I did. It looked liked it hurt and I didn't want you to be in pain." Her words made Harry's heart twitch and almost start to beat again. To him, his heart is dead. He has been through way to much for it to be alive, so he just assumes that it's dead. Though, Ellie's words seemed to spark something deep inside of him.


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