Chapter Six

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Draco asks Sophie to the ball, she says yes then Harry asks her. She tells Draco and later on at the ball, he tells her he beat up Harry. After the ball, Draco and Sophie...happened on the common room sofa. Draco admits to loving her in a 'boyfriend and girlfriend' way

Where we left off

   What do I say? I love him too but who knows what'll happen from there? It could backfire and all be a prank or I could say that and mean it at the time but lose my love for him. I don't know so I just walk away. I walk to the Gryffindor table.
  "Hey Harry, Hermione, Nearly Headless Nick's living friend."
"Bloody hell, piss off." Ron says, tutting.
"Is your face alright Harry?" I ask.
"It's been better, let's say."
"Let me look." He turns to me. "Have you been to the nurse ?" I ask, looking at his cut eyebrow and lip.
"No, no need. Just a stupid fight that can get your boyfriend in deep trouble."
"Hermione you know the spell right? I don't seem to have my wand."
"Hm, I think so. Hold on." Hermione looks through a little notebook. "Oh yes, here it is." She says and taps Harry's nose. We hear the cracking of his broken nose fixing back into place.
"I was gonna get that looked at but thanks you two."
"It's okay."
"It's alright." Hermione smiles,
"Why you sat over here today? Not with your boyfriend?" Ron says in a teasing tone, I punch him in the arm. "What you do that for?" He rubs his shoulder.
"I wanted to sit over here, is that alright? No, been spending a lot of time together recently so I thought I'd come over here. Wait, actually I need to go talk to someone."
   I run over to Abbie who's sitting with her girl from last night.
"Mind if I borrow her? Thanks." She doesn't reply but I just take Abbie by the wrist and drag her away anyway. "Abbie! Draco said he loves me!"
"And? Harry did."
"Nooo, Harry said it in a crush way, we all love our crush in some way but Draco told me he loved me loved me!"
"Oh I get it now! Oh my merlin! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you... so why aren't you at Slytherin table?"
"Because I didn't say anything back."
"Because what if I'd messed things up, jinxed it?" Abbie then takes me by the wrist and drags me over to Draco.
"Oi, blonde pubes, get up and talk to your girlfriend over there." Abbie drags Draco up by his collar and pushes us to the corner of the hall.
"Um, hi?" I itch the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Are you gonna talk cause my toast is getting cold?" He points over his shoulder, I laugh slightly. "Yes! I did it! I made you laugh!"
"Can I just say I'm sorry, sorry about not saying it back."
"Oh no, it's okay. If you're not ready for it then pretend I never said anything."
"Well, you did and I can't just ignore that. You told me your feelings and I didn't respond in the best of ways."
"Yeah, not really."
"So I just want to say, I love you too." I kiss his cheek. "Go and make love to your cold toast now."
"You wanna be my 'cold toast'?" He smirks and winks. I laugh.
"Shut up and go, Malfoy."
"Gotcha'!" He says and runs back. Abbie looks at me and gives me a thumbs up so I return with a middle finger and mouth 'you're dead'.


"Right, So today we're moving onto a different plant today called gillyweed. Choose your partners, quickly, quickly." Abbie runs over to me. "Okay..."

    Class drags on and on, I slowly slip into a coma. Slowly, slowly I fall asleep.
"Wake up, dickhead." Abbie whispers into my ear. "You have dirt on your face now, stupid."
"Where's a cloth?"
"Don't worry." Abbie says and licks the dirt off my face.
"Ew you tramp!" She tried to wipe her hands on me and I push her back.
"Miss Velvet and Miss Sanders, please step outside for a moment." Miss Herbology teacher says.
   We do as we're told and stand outside the greenhouse. Abbie spits out the mud and I wipe the dirt off my face.
"Well done, you got us in trouble." I roll my eyes at her.
"Alright, jeez."

On the towers of Black Water Lake

Harry dives in, squirming. He doesn't move for a minute then he leaps out of the water and back in and then zooms off.

   The hours nearly up and Harry isn't back yet. Krum and Diggory are, Krum rescued Hermione and Diggory rescued Cho but because Lacroix got out her, person is still at the bottom of the lake. All of a sudden Ron surfaces and has the other girl off her arm, he swims to the tower and helps her up.
     Harry comes up later, no air left and freezing. He nearly drowned. Turns out Lacroix's person was her little sister so she was very thankful to Ron and Harry for saving her too

Outside the maze

Dumbledore, McGonagall, Moody and a couple others were standing outside the maze. I stand next to Hermione in the Harry Potter supporter section while Draco stands in Cedric's. The contestants walkout and we go crazy. I'm deafened from my right by screams as Cedric's name is called then on my left by Krum supporters and right next to us, Lacriox. Harry's name is called last and we all stand up and cheer and clap. This random kid at the front has 'Potter' written in red on his forehead in big letters.

  I watch my friend walk into the maze, he keeps looking behind at Professor Moody. The hedge closes up and we all sit in silence. A silent acknowledgement of someone not coming out the same is spread over us all like a blanket.

     20 minutes in, a red light flies up into the sky. We bow our heads, someone's life has been lost. Nobody knows who's yet but we will in a few minutes. Dumbledore walks into the middle of the crowd.
"Miss Lacroix is gone, I am so very sorry." He nods towards the girls academy and her little sister breaks down into tears and runs out of the stadium, all the girls follow her.

30 mins later

I'm stood in Hagrid's hut with Hermione and Ron, sipping my hot chocolate when a small knock at the door interrupts us.
"Who is it?" The door opens to reveal Draco.
"Can I have a drink?"
"Why should we let you?" Hermione asks, clearly annoyed at the fact Draco has the nerve to do this.
"It's freezing out there, okay? Can we just have some mutual peace and let him drink something?" I say.

    So, I'm sat on Draco's lap while he's drinking hot chocolate and my friend is still in that fucking maze.

    We head back to the stands and wait. When suddenly a port hole opens up and Harry drops out of it, holding the triwizard cup. We all cheer. It's so loud but somehow I hear Harry sobbing,
"He's back," He looks up. "Voldemort's back." I make out. One of the girls screams. Everybody falls silent. Cedric's lifeless body is lying on the floor, Harry hunching over it, crying. Cedric's dad runs down.
"My boy! My boy..." He starts to sob too.
    Everyone gets of the stands to come and see Cedric's pale body. I run to find Draco.
"You-Know-Who's back! I heard Harry!" I say to him. His face drains of any colour it has.
"Are you sure?" He asks, his tone empty.
"Yes, I'm sure. Draco, I'm scared." He hugs me tight.
"Me too..."

                                                End of chapter

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