Chapter Nine

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The floorboard creaked and I felt Draco's body tense up.
"I'll look." He whispers.
"I'm coming with you." I say.
"No you're not." He says.
"I am." I argue, he rolls his eyes and stands up.
"Be quiet though." I nod. We sneak round the corner and see an egg about the size of a small dog. It's pure red and gold speckles with spikes, much like a pineapple, twirly red bits swirl off the top of it like fire.
"I have to write to Hermione." I exclaim as I run into the study.

Dear Hermione,
How are you? Since we haven't talked in a while it will take a bit for my owl to get to you. We need you down here. Bring a book on dragon eggs, dragons etc. I will pin my address to this letter. Can't wait to see you!

Love, Sophie x

I run and let Milly out her cage and attach it to her leg with the address pinned to the letter.
"Find Hermione Granger." I order, Milly opens her wings and flies out the open window. I sit down in the chair and scoot over to the bookshelves. I scan my eyes over them all, dust layered thick on the spines, the smell of the old wood and musky paper fill my nose as I pick out a book, The Dragons, the Phoenixes and the Unicorns. I sigh and put it back.
"Motherfucker!" Draco shouts. I run back down the hall to him.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"The fucking egg just burnt my fucking hand." He cradles his hand. I look at the egg as it rocks back and forth, in my head (for some reason) I say stop. The egg stops rocking, I think Wingardium Leviosa and the egg flies up in the air.
I squeal and jump back, Draco looks up at me.
"Is that you doing that?" He asks, a hint of fear in his voice. I slowly nod.
"Lupin is coming over next week after his holiday me?" Draco just blinks and stares at me. "Please don't be scared! I won't hurt you, you know that..." His shoulders relax.
"Sorry. I know you won't, I love you."
" I love you too." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

2 days later

Milly flies into the living room and drops a letter on my knee, I pet her head and she flies away again.
"Bae, I think Hermione replied!" I shout to Draco in the study.
"Read it then and tell me what she says." He shouts back.
"Okay." I rip open the letter.

Dear Sophie,
I am afraid this letter may arrive the day I do. Ron is excited to hear from you, hope everything is okay. Talk more soon.
    Love Hermione xx

At that moment somebody knocked at the door. I run and open it and I'm met with Hermione and Ron.
"Hermione!" I shout and hug her. Her grey wool scarf covers my face.
"We haven't seen you in so long!" She exclaims.
"I know!!" Ron coughs behind us, I let go of Hermione and sightly hug Ron. "Hey Ron!"
I walk inside, "Welcome to our humble abode."
"Woah." Hermione mutters.
"What?" I ask.
"It's bigger than our place!" Ron says aghast.
"My dad gave it me." I shrug.
"Oh my word." Draco smirks as he walks in.
"You're with him?" Ron asks, scoffing.
"Excuse me, Weasley, you're in my apartment." Draco walks up to Ron, Ron's ears start to go red.
"Get out my face, Blondie." Ron growls.
"For fucks sake! Both of you shut up!" I exclaim. "We might have a fucking dragons egg in the apartment, this is a muggle tower. Muggles live below us and next door and across the hall." I sigh.

    I guide Hermione to the egg,
"Yeah, it just appeared here."
"Weird. Have you tried picking it up?"
"Yeah, I did, burnt my hand off." Draco chimes in.
"...hold on I think I know." She hurries over to the dining table and reaches far into her small bag. "Got it!" She slams down a massive book, the title in gold letters, shining in the pale light of the morning. The brown leather looking old and stale, the spine's leather peeling off like sunburn. I glide my finger over the letters and the light layer of dust coming off makes the letters glimmer more.
   I run my hand down the cover as I open it, the pages are yellow with age and torn at the edges.
"Skip to page 65...I think." Hermione says into my ear. I flick through pages until I get to page 65.

(A/N I know it's not torn at the edges but there isn't one like that

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(A/N I know it's not torn at the edges but there isn't one like that.)

    I scan the page and find the egg that looks like the one we have and place my finger on top of it.
"Shit." Hermione murmurs.
"Hermione!" Ron exclaims.
"Oh shut up, Weasley, she can say what she wants." Draco sighs. Hermione ignores them both,
   "You have an extremely dangerous dragon here. Like extremely." She pulls out another book and reads from it. "Aggressive towards humans...breathes mushroom-shaped flames from its nostrils when angered. Oh and remember when Viktor Krum had to fight one of these in the triwizard tournament?" Hermione closes the book and look at me and Draco. I hold Draco's hand. "I don't know what to do, it's dangerous towards you but you won't want to get rid of it when you know it'll just be destroyed. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Lupin comes over next week he'll help with this too." I smile at Draco.
"Why's he coming over?" Ron asks.
"Oh um.." I look to Draco for assistance.
"We just want to catch up and talk about more spells that we couldn't learn in Hogwarts." He explains. Ron seemed pleased, he starts walking around.
"Fridge is on your left." I laugh. He nods and opens the fridge. "So, do you want to stay here till next week?"
"Sure. Ron, do you want to stay at Sophie's for a week or find a hotel?" She asks.
"Whatever you want, babe." Ron says opening a chocolate. Hermione turns to me again.
"Sure. Spare room or sofa?" She asks.
"We got a sofa bed." Draco murmurs.
"Ok." Hermione says and sits on the sofa reading more about the Chinese Fireball. I take Draco into the bedroom and sit down on the bed.

"I know you don't want them staying here, I'm sorry but they're my friends." I explain.
"Yeah I know it's hurt Ron, he just gets on my nerve so muuuch." He sits down next to me, "I'm gonna end up fighting him."
"You won't." I put a hand on his thigh, he looks at it and decides to rest his hand on top of mine. "I'll talk to Hermione if you want me to."
"No it's fine. I'll handle Ron if he gets on my nerves." Draco sighs.
"Exc-fucking-scuse me!" Ron announces as he bursts in the room.

    End of chapter

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