belongs to me

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Hyemi's POV

"Are you gonna do your work or keep staring at me ?" I asked him, annoyed, as I lifted my gaze up from my work. For the past 10 minutes I could felt him constant haze on be and that made me uncomfortable.

He didn't say anything but went back to continue his work. I sighed at his attitude and did the same.

I was in his house again, His room to be exact, in the floor though ... I wouldn't dare to sit on the bed where he had you know what. It was just disgusting.

I managed to convince my brother 5o brbing me back and used the I-need-my-grades card which he shrugged off. Finally let me come after all my please and cries but ofcourse not alone. He was right down, Ready for anything that happens.That made me even more curious as to what these guys did to him or us?

"You know my brother ?" I asked all of a sudden
He looked at me with his signature blank face and shrugged.
"You can say that ...." He said and went back to writing. I sighed and shook my head.

For some reason I couldn't peel my eyes of him and stared at him. His silky black hair, soft pink lips, the lottle scar he had on his cheel, all were one of a kind or that it was me who left like it. I bet I would have fallen for him if he was this nice kind guy like the ones in k-dramas, but k-dramas were dramas for a reason.

"Are you gonna do your work or keep staring at me?" His cold gaze met mine as those words slipped out of his mouth but I didn't budge.
"Why are you being like this ?" I asked ignoring his question
"Like what?" He put his pen down sitting up straight. His dare gaze bore into mine, sending shivers down my spine.
" Why does my brother hate you so much ?"

His eyes softened as he sighed
"Well, I've never been selfless especially in my teenage. Heck I never was ....." He shrugged. I stared at him.
" ..... Maybe I'm just suffering the consequences ?" He lifted his eyebrow like he was doubting his own words.

I stayed still, processing whatever he had just told me. I heard him let out a chuckle.
"You wouldn't understand Ms.Goody-two-shoes "
He leaned in and grabbed a box which keyed on the bed beside me and took out a cigarette out. He grabbed his lightee litting it. He glanced at me for a millisecond before taking a huge puff from it. Isrinced my nose at the smell but decided to say nothing against it. As much disturbing as it was it was intoxicating as well.

I shook my head pulling myself out of my thoughts and continued my work but Namjoon's words kept ringing in my head

Were the mistakes he did so awful that he wants to kill himself like this? Why is he like this ? Why can't he change? Is their no one to guide him?

"Why are you so cold to everyone ?" I looked up causing him to stop his actions and look at me. I stared at him curiously.
"cause that's how I am ?" He shrugged and brought the cigarette back to his lips but I was fast enough to snatch it away. I didn't like the fact that he was doing this.

"Now that's .... Bad for health " I threw it in the ash tray
"And why'd you care ?" He scoffed at me leaning back on the table. His eyes looked intimidating and scary.
I tilted my head at him.
"Cause I know you .... Isn't that a good reason ?" I had enough of him so I stood up, packing my things. I could feel how me analysed every single movement of mine.
"That surely isn't " he broke the silence making me look at him. I tugged a stray hair behind my ear and stood up.
"Well it is for me " I bent down, picked the cigarette box and placed it in my bag

"And that mister .... Belongs to me " I smiled at him and swung my back over my shoulder. He didn't move an inch but kept staring at me, like a predator waiting for the right moment to pounce at its prey.
"Finish this thing and bring it to school tomorrow. I'll do the cover page " I turned and walked towards the door.

I immediately heard rushed footsteps and stopped when my bag was pulled away as my back hit the door painfully.

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