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Hyemi's POV

I shut my eyes close and groaned in pain. I wimved and opened my eyes to see Jungkook inches away from me.

" What are you doing ?" I pushed him causing him to move back a bit, but the gap wasn't safe enough yet, atleast for me. I placed my hands against his chest as he held my shouldered tight. There was something that he carried, something I couldn't decipher.
"Why do have act like you care for me?" He growled, anger evident in his eyes.
What the hell ?

"Jungkook you're being ridiculous, just get off me ...." I tried pushing him off but he held my wrist, keeping me in place. I knew I was nothing compared to him, but that didn't mean that I gave in and I didn't try.

"No why? Just why ?" He growled, leaning closer. His breath was now fanning my mosit lips. I could smell the scent of cigarettes mixed with his cologne, something I never thought would be so intoxicating. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why are you such an ass?" I raised my voice at him but it didn't seem to have an impact on him.
"... Cause I am one " he looked away and then back at me. His hands were going lower to my waist making me squirm in his arms.
"Just tell me why the fuck do you act like you care for me? You're just acting like this to get my attention aren't you ?!" He moved closed trapping my body against his. Our torsos were now glued together.
I scoffed slightly
"You just want to get in my pants and suck it off .... Just like every other women. You sluts are so disgusting ....." He spat out, disgust was evident in his voice

I was speechless .... He has such a bad image on women, when the same women were the one my made me stay afloat

" All you want is money and pleasure right? Why else would you come behind me when every single other person in the campus avoided talking to me ?! I bet all of them told you to stay away, but here you are causing me more trouble than I already had !" He pushed his body closer to mine and trapped me in him arms. All I could hear was both of us breathing heavily.

"Why would you want to come behind a guy like me?Why ?" I was fuming inside but I let him be the speaker here. I let him let out all he had inside ... If he'd go to that extent.

" Never did I think I'd meet you .... " He looked down at me once again, his soft gaze boring through my eyes. He held my waist tightly.
"Never did I think I'd have to protect you when you were nothing but just an annoying piece of shit ....." I rolled my eyes my eyes at that.

This guy was seriously getting on my nerves. I wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up but I decided to go against it.
Why was it so hard ?!
I want to really punch the hell out of that beautiful face until it can never be recognized any more.
I sighed trying to calm myself and looked away .

He brought his finger up to my chin pulling on it to face him, his gaze meeting mine again. I stared at him blankly.
" Fuck I don't even know why I'm trying instead of letting that bastard do anything to you. Its not like I care" he spat. I sighed in frustration and looked away again just to be meeting his gaze all again, harsher and this time I winced. I grit my teeth to hold in my anger. His words were hirting me and there was no denying in that.

" I'm not myself and I hate you for that .... I fucking want you to stop coming behind me. So I'll give you want you want " he gave me a smug look moving backwards leaving me confused as fuck. What wrong wrong with his man? Did he hit his head somewhere?

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