Chapter 2

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Mirajane kept serving beer and other drinks while chattering with her guildmates. It was actually a rather peaceful and quiet day, just like other days since the season started. Natsu and Gajeel only wanted to snuggle with their mates and Gray was on a mission with Juvia, Erza and Wendy. Cana of course was drinking and asking someone to join her, but it was so usual you hardly noticed it anymore.

So when Laxus suddenly stood up with his chair clattering almost everyone noticed it it immediately. Mirajane chuckled when looking at Laxus' face. It seemed like Freed was approaching the guild house. Yet something made Mirajane frown a bit. It seemed like Laxus was... Maybe a bit worried?

"Laxus, is something wrong?" she asked kindly from the Lightning Dragon Slayer.

He said nothing and just kept standing there watching the doors incessantly. For a minute everyone in the guild were quiet and they only heard how someone was shifting on their seat or lifting their drinks.

"Why is he not with them?" Laxus growled suddenly and his eyes narrowed.

Mirajane was about to ask him what he meant when the doors already opened. Bickslow and Evergreen came inside the big guild hall, soaking wet.

"This is the worst possible time to walk outside", Evergreen complained taking her glasses off for a moment so she could dry them with her handkerchief.

"Without Freed's runes it would have been even worse", Bickslow grinned, not that much bothered by the rain. "Laxus! Baby, how's it hanging?" he greeted their boss, completely oblivious how everyone looked so tensed up.

"Where's Freed?" Laxus growled cutting short the needless chitchat.

"Man, you're as lovely as a snapping turtle poked with a sharp stick today, aren't you?" Bickslow laughed.

"Snap! Snap!" his Tiki dolls chanted hovering over Laxus.

"Just answer", Laxus ordered.

"He went home, wanted to change his clothes", Bickslow said and was almost shoved out of the way by the blond man. "Did something happen?" asked confused when Laxus disappeared from the guild. "Is Freed in trouble?"

"Trouble? Poor Freed!" his dolls sighed.

"Well, in a way you could say so", Mirajane smiled.

They sat down and Mirajane told them all that had happened in the past week while they had been on a mission.

"So... Laxus has a massive boner for Freed?" Bickslow said with a wide grin.

"Ooooh!" the dolls giggled while twirling around.

"And now he's going to find him and -" the seith mage chuckled, but Mirajane quickly interrupted him:

"Bickslow, please!"

"What? It's a beautiful love story about a gay dragon and a gay demon! How can that not be interesting?"

Evergreen smiled thinking how happy Freed was going to be. That green haired rune mage had been following Laxus for years! But he never mustered enough courage to ask him out on a date. She did understand why, though. Freed was simply afraid Laxus would start hating him and their existing relationship would crumble.


"Bicks", Evergreen said, suddenly terrified.

"Baby?" Bickslow said tilting his head, his dolls following his lead.

"Date... Laxus is on his way to find Freed and Freed is..." Evergreen stuttered and she was slightly trembling.

First Bickslow was confused, but then it dawned upon him.

"Oh... Fuck..." he gasped with fear in his voice.

"What's the matter?" Lucy asked joining in the conversation, pushing Natsu off her lap so she could come closer.

"Well we... We kinda... Ever and I happened to meet Rufus Lore. You remember, that memory mage with the ridiculous feather hat?"

"Freed has been feeling so down lately, we set him up on a blind date with Rufus and he's meeting him today", Evergreen sighed.

"Why did you do that?" Mirajane asked.

"Because it seemed like they might have a lot in common. They like books, they're smart, they're strong... We thought it might be a good idea."

"Now that you mention it, they do seem like a perfect couple", Lucy mused.

"I'm not sure Laxus will see it that way", Mirajane said looking worried.

"And Laxus being like he is right now...", Bickslow gulped. "He's going to murder that masked memory clown!"

"Clown! Dead clown!" the totems squeaked, trembling behind their master.

"Hell! With a storm out there right now, he's going to destroy the whole city!" Evergreen shouted. "We have to do something before that happens!

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