Chapter 25

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Four days went by fast when in mornings and noon they went to the Guild or trained for the Autumn Festival and evenings they spent at home just the two of them. Freed was happier than ever and he was hoping that this would continue forever.

But the mating season didn't last forever. In his heart he felt agonising fear of what could happen after the season. Despite Laxus promising over and over again that nothing would change Freed was still scared since they couldn't possibly be sure what was going to happen.

Then at that morning Freed woke up and he immediately noticed Laxus was not there even before opening his eyes. There was no snoring and no heat coming from the other side of the bed. The man who usually slept until noon had already got up and didn't inform Freed where he was going.

The rune mage sighed and he felt how his stomach was tied in knots and deep sorrow was eating him up from the inside. All this really was too good to be true, huh? He had known it from the start. He couldn't possibly have such a happiness for more than one week... He was after all Freed the Dark, demon who was meant to live his life in the shadows only once in a while able to experience true happiness, so when every time he was sent back he would fall deeper and deeper in the grief and darkness until he would never again get his hopes up.

But it had been an amazing week. He would treasure these memories, how wonderful it had been to be loved by Laxus in a way he had only dreamed for so long... He should be honoured and glad, he had one amazing week with Laxus before everything would vanish. Maybe Laxus even wanted him to resing from the Thunder Legion? He would do so if that would be what his Thunder God wanted if this all felt now too awkward for him. He would even leave the Fairy Tail if Laxus wanted that. This week was all worth that.

Freed sighed and he fought back so he wouldn't cry, crying wouldn't help. He should just get up, get dressed up and leave. This was not his home after all.

When getting up he realized he was sweating and his head hurt. No wonder he was sweating since he had probably in his sleep gathered all three blankets over him and he huffed when he finally got a gasp of cool air. Wait what? Three blankets? They had only one big blanket in this bed usually so where did the two others come from?

Freed moved blankets aside and he got up, slightly swaying as his head felt dizzy. He needed some water he must have dehydration because of all the sweating. He quickly grabbed his clothes, cleaned himself and dressed up - with huge pain in his heart he had to leave the old orange hoodie on the chair - and just tied his hair up in a high ponytail.

He was ready to go and let Laxus to go back to his normal life. He was obviously never actually meant to be part of it. But even if only just for a week, Freed was happy that it happened. He had something to remind him he had felt for a moment what true happiness could be.

The swordsman stepped in the hallway and looked around. Laxus probably was at the Guild, he should head there too so they could talk about the next mission.

At the Guild he smiled slightly when he saw Natsu and Gajeel acting normal again. It should be relief for Lucy and Levy since they were kinda annoyed because Natsu and Gajeel were always tagging along where ever they go and always fighting if someone glimpsed towards their mate.

The mating season was really over.

"Good morning, Freed", Mira smiled as he approached the bar and sat down.

"Good morning, Mirajane", Freed smiled slightly. "It seems like everything is back to how it used to be."

"Yes, They are acting normal again and Natsu has been challenging everyone, so keep your guards up", she chuckled.

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