Chapter 33

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Okay so SMUT here! (I know you babies have been waiting for more smut to happen) I'll use XXX when to stop reading and when you can continue reading. I know, in this chapter Freed's kinda whiny and so on and it's not like him but I just really want to write how Freed doesn't have to be so formal anymore with Laxus. He can be sometimes a little whiny and selfish, they are boyfriends now after all and there are no others in the mansion but the Thunder Legion. And of course Dubois and others but that doesn't matter since they already know how Freed can be.
Anyway, enjoy! Thanks for all the comments and votes! Those really make me wanna write more and more and try my best every time ^^


Freed woke up with a screaming headache. Why was he feeling this bad? Oh, right. They were drinking last night... Now he remembered exactly why it was always a bad idea to drink.

Bed was moving slightly and someone was trying to pull the blanket off from his face.
"No... No, I don't want to get up..." Laxus could hear a feeble whine from the bed and chuckled. This bad hangover was something that made his boyfriend totally helpless and whiny and it was so damn cute.
"Come on. You know you're going to hate yourself if you sleep too late", he purred and moved the blanket until he could see the green hair. But immediately Freed grabbed a pillow and lifted it above his head.
"I don't want to wake up", the mighty captain groaned annoyed.
"I know babe, but I also know you too well and I know you wouldn't like it if you would sleep any later than it already is."
"What time is it...?"
"It's already one o'clock."
There was a silence in the bedroom and finally Laxus pulled more blanket off, revealing Freed's naked body that was filled with love bites. Greenette curled up and whined something nonsensical, still covering his face with a pillow.
"Come on, are you really not going to get up?" Laxus chuckled and bend down, leaning on his hands that were now both sides of his mate.
"I'm still thinking..." Freed mumbled from under the pillow. "Or trying because my thoughts just don't seem to work..."
"You need a shower, then some food and a big cup of coffee. Then you will feel better", Laxus reassured kissing Freed's shoulder softly.
"No, I need more sleep... Wake me up tomorrow..."
"Okay, maybe I should just carry you to the shower", Laxus chuckled and grabbed Freed who squirmed and fought back but was too weak to actually do anything.
"Laxus, put me down", he just whined miserably.
"Remember, this is the hardest part of hangover, waking up. You will feel better soon", Laxus promised kissing Freed who finally stopped fighting and surrendered.
Ten seconds later Freed was standing under the shower, leaning his hands against the wall. He had to admit, it felt good when water ran down his body. He wasn't feeling that stuffy anymore and it was helping greatly that Laxus was washing his hair for him.
"It seems like you're not going to wake up fully for the rest of the day but at least you're feeling better", the lightning mage chuckled kissing Freed's mark making the rune mage shiver.
"I told you I don't want to wake up, I just want to go back to sleep", he muttered. "I don't care if I hate myself later..."
"You know that is not true. Come on, try to work with me and turn around."
"You're acting like a little brat", Laxus scolded.
"I don't care", Freed said. "My head hurts and I can't stand the idea of food."
Laxus huffed. Freed was cute when he was like this but he was also a lot of work. He had to do something to make him feel better. And he knew exactly what would help.
"It seems like this situation requires some serious acts", Laxus smirked caressing Freed's hips and he leaned closer.


Freed winced when other arm grabbed around his chest and other hand found it's way to his groin.

"Laxus", he said. "I'm really not in a mood."
"You will change your mind", Laxus purred into his ear and nibbed it, while his hand gently stroked Freed's member making it hard. "Nothing helps like sex when you have a hangover."
"L-Laxus", Freed whined blushing.
"Yes, keep saying my name", Laxus smirked licking the yellow mark in Freed's neck. He knew very well it was really sensitive.
Freed moaned and enjoyed his Thunder God's touch. He had to admit, this really helped and he was already feeling a lot better. He got confused when suddenly Laxus let go of his cock but when he saw him grabbing his lavender oil bottle he knew where this was going.
"We really need to make sure there's always lube in the shower", Laxus murmured and he poured the oil on his fingers.
"Could be a good idea, that oil is really expensive", Freed noted.
"Oh? Should I stop then?" Laxus grinned and squeezed greenette's buttocks.
"Please don't, this is actually helping a lot", the rune mage said and he groaned when finger teased his entrance before it slipped in.
He leaned against Laxus, eyes shut and just enjoyed. Laxus smiled when looking at his boyfriend's face while he was like this. Freed was very rarely selfish and this was one of those rare moments. He just stood there, doing nothing and let Laxus do all the work. Laxus actually liked it sometimes and he knew Freed needed this so he could survive his hangover.
"You feeling like you could take me in?" he asked finally. Freed nodded and opened his eyes, taking some support from the handle on the wall. This was not why it was there but was perfect for this purpose.
Freed gritted his teeth slightly when Laxus started to penetrate. Blond was holding him tightly and moved slowly deeper, as he had learned pretty good by now how fast he could do this. Sometimes he needed to be more gentle, sometimes Freed liked it harsh.
When he was in, he waited for a moment.
"You okay, babe?" he asked.
"Y-yeah, you can start moving", Freed assured.
Laxus started with slow pace, he was gentle and kissed the mark, making Freed moan. He could feel how his grip tightened from the handle and his groaning got louder, it was the sign he could start moving faster. Usually even if they started gently, it ended with roughness since Freed really liked it.
Freed panted and moaned harder, jerking himself and pushed himself against Laxus harder. It felt so good, he didn't even remember his hangover anymore. His moans echoed from the tiles and he repeated Laxus' name over and over again, begging for more and harder.
Finally Laxus gave him one big final thrust, grunting low. Freed could feel strong pulses as Laxus was ejaculating inside him.
"Laxus", Freed groaned. He was so close to come.
When Laxus finally recovered from his orgasm, he again grabbed Freed and straightened him making him let go of the handle. He grabbed the member that was still waiting for it's release, making Freed cry out louder. It only needed a couple fast strokes and Freed was squirming and moaning hard, finally feeling the overwhelming sensation when he came.
They both panted hard.
"Feeling better?" Laxus chuckled as he finally pulled himself out and turned Freed around, kissing him.
"Yes", greenette smiled and kissed Laxus again. "But I'm still tired."
"That's okay, babe. Just try to stay awake until evening or you will curse yourself because you can't sleep", Laxus murmured hugging his boyfriend tightly. "You need now food and coffee. That will help."
"I guess", Freed huffed.

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