Cable x Reader (Bit Of A Push) Part 2

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The man you had met introduced himself as Cable. He had shown you around the place as it turned out you were at Xavier's mansion where the young mutants could get their schooling and the adults often became leaders and Xmen.

Jean Grey was the name of the lady who had assessed you. She had more in common with you than anyone else, having unstable powers as well. She had recently advanced in her medical studies and Xavier himself was pushing her to train and get experience- hence the assessment. She recommended you not leave the mansion at least until your powers stabilized which sounded like it could take years.

You weren't sure how to feel about that. One day your living a normal life focused on making money to survive and next thing your a mutant trying to control your powers to avoid hurting people.

You had met a couple of the other students and as friendly as they were you felt safest alone. You were too worried that you would have another episode and hurt people after all you were "like a walking grenade" a guy named Quicksilver had joked.

Cable kept a close watch on you, feeling both intrigued and responsible for you. When Jean had recommended your stay at the mantion he privately asked to have you set up in the room across the hall from his. He would often come check on you to which you looked forward to each day. You felt less like a loose canon around him and had developed a little crush on the man.

He secretly picked up on that part too. Since you were afraid to go out, every morning he would invite you to join him for a walk to which you would sadly decline and watch him leave.

One morning after the same routine there was a gust of wind shortly after Cable had left your door frame. Glancing up you noticed a man in full silver leaning in your door frame smirking at you. "Y'know one of these days he's gonna' stop asking you" he stated crossing his arms at you. That comment made you sad to think and after another rush of wind he was suddenly seated on the bed next to you with his hand on your shoulder. "I didn't mean to make ya' sad, I just meant what's the harm in a walk around the garden?" Peter the guy known as Quicksilver asked.

You thought about it for a second then shook your head not wanting to risk destroying the garden or hurting anyone. "I can't...I-" you froze when Peter put his finger on your lips stopping you from speaking further. "See! That's what's wrong, your boxing yourself in, shutting yourself down saying 'I can't.. oh please! I can't" he mocked again before nudging you trying to change your way of thinking.

"Do you realize how many others felt the same way at first? Look at Jean for instance she's got similar problems but she still goes outside cause she's actively fighting to control her powers. Look you just can't stay inside forever is all I'm saying, it's killing me to see you this way and I'm sure Cable too" he added. You nodded shyly still not quite comfortable around him since this was only the second time you two had spoke and he was now in your room invading your personal space.

He suddenly looked down at the watch on his wrist. "I bet you can still make it"  he smirked. "What?" You suddenly panicked realizing what he meant feeling too nervous to go walking with Cable. "No-no! Please" his cartoony smile was plastered on his face as he placed his goggles on and grabbed you before you could escape. The world blasted by you before you were standing outside in the garden feeling dizzy. Cable was only a few feet away walking ahead on his own.

Quicksilver stepped in front of you and started smoothing down your hair and fixing your clothes. "Makin' you look nice" he winked before he sped away. On his way he tapped Cable's shoulder and before you could even think to run Cable turned around to see you and he smiled making you freeze. "I'm going to kill that Speedster" you thought jokingly.

Hands in his pockets Cable slowly walked over to you still smirking. "Nice to see you out in the air" he broke the silence. "Had a bit of a push" you admitted hinting at Quicksilver. "So you finally going to join me?" He offerred out his arm. You felt weak in the knees having this handsome man towering over you and offer his arm to you. You shyly accepted linking your arm with his as he slowly lead you through the huge garden. You were actively trying to hide the huge blush on your cheeks which didn't go unnoticed.

You took in the fresh air suddenly understanding why he did this every morning, it was so peaceful and beautiful out here. "So how are you and your powers holding up?" He asked curiously. "They haven't acted up since you brought me here" you admitted quite surprised come to think of it. He nodded listening. It also made you remember he was the one to find you and bring you here. "Thank you for this" you added feeling he deserved a thanks. "Anything for you sweetheart" he stated still looking on ahead at the gardens. His comment caught you by surprise and made you go a bit quiet. You could tell he didn't regret saying it and was comfortable with it too.

After the walk you each headed back to the mansion and it made you forget about your powers altogether. He watched you go back into your room before Cyclops approached him to talk about something important.


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