Cable x Reader (Unleashed) Part 12

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The X-men had all entered the blackbird and were already in the air. Even Professor X had joined the mission meaning it was quite serious. Psylocke shut her eyes focusing her energies on searching for where Magneto had taken the two of you. "They're in the East end of the City not far from the waterfront" she confirmed and Storm was on it straight away turning the aircraft in the right direction. "The military are on their way as well" Professor X added.

Psylocke frowned then quickly flinched almost hissing in pain. Cyclops was quick to ask what was wrong eager to know where Jean and you were. She opened her eyes looking to Cyclops knowing he was the closest to Jean.

"Your girlfriend isn't herself anymore...she's trapped in her own body...something else is in control.." she trailed not wanting to get inside that mind again. "What about y/n?" Cable asked ever so calmly preparing to hear the worst. She closed her eyes again to search before she locked onto you. "She's still safe...but Magneto is with her...she hasn't got much longer I'm afraid." Cable turned to Storm giving her a look to fly the bird faster and she did her best.


You watched in fear as Magneto approached you getting uncomfortably close to your face. "Do not be afraid my dear, I'm helping you reach your fullest potential" he whispered by your ear making you shiver.

A wave of air came in causing the surrounding fire to blow around wildly. The two of you looked up to see the blackbird overhead coming in for landing. You were overwhelmed with relief from seeing help arrive. At the same time the military had arrived. It acted by dividing itself as half headed towards you and Magneto and the other half towards the Phoenix.


Storm started to lower the blackbird when the system started to act funny and go haywire. She looked confused as she started flicking switches but the system didn't respond. Professor X's concentration lifted when he looked up knowing what was about to happen. The aircraft started to shake and rumble. "Magneto's controlling the plane!" Shouted out Cyclops as the team started to worry. "No." Came the Professor's voice as everyone turned his way while he sat unusually calm. "It's not Magneto..." he answered moments before the plane swung out of control making those out of their seats fly against the walls. Cable dropped his weapon and leapt to protect the professor which gave Psylocke the moment she was waiting for.

She jumped to her feet summoning her kinetic sword quickly slashing it as it cut the entire aircraft in two. Nightcrawler reacted fast grabbing everyone he could and teleporting them safely to the ground. One half of the plane crashed to the ground breaking apart from impact. Nightcrawler had managed to save Quicksilver, Cable, and Storm from that part of the plane.

The other half did not crash, instead it unnaturally levitated in the air before it slowly floated in the direction of pure fire. Nightcrawler was about to teleport to them but Storm stopped him. "Don''ll make her mad" she said looking at where they were headed. Those still inside the aircraft looked up to see a bright flaming phoenix and in the middle levitated Jean's body bringing them towards her. Cyclops, Beast, and Professor X watched cautiously. Psylocke had escaped the wreck completely when she jumped from the plane landing safely.

Cable's attention turned when Quicksilver nudged him and gestured toward something else. They spotted you down the hill inside what seemed a pit of fire under the constraints of Magneto. Cable froze at what he saw next. He watched as Magneto stroked your hair bringing it to one side and whispering something in your ear. Seeing another man with his hands all over you enraged him. Pete's eyes went back and forth between Magneto and Cable knowing a fight would go down. Cable stormed off to the crash site and used his metal arm to tare through the wreckage and find his gun.

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