Cable x Reader (Breakfast) Part 8

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Slowly stretching awake you looked around remembering this wasn't your own room. You glanced over noticing Cable asleep in the desk chair with a book on his chest. It was quite early in the morning still as you quietly slipped out of his bed tip toeing past him and shutting the door behind you slowly.

There were already some other mutants awake and in the halls. They noticed you coming out of Cable's room and gave you suggestive eyes as they walked past making you blush knowing how it looked. You headed back to your own room to change quickly and fix yourself up a bit before heading down to the main kitchen for some breakfast.

Making a plate you sat down to your own table to quietly eat when not a second later you realized you weren't alone. Quicksilver had himself planted next to you arms crossed and a very cheeky look to his face. You smiled trying to avoid eye contact knowing he was about to tease you. "A little birdy told me you spent the night with somebody" he emphasized sitting next to you. "It wasn't what you're thinking" you laughed taking a bite of breakfast hiding your blush.

"Uh huh, yup, that's what they all say" he winked knowingly. You found it hard not to laugh with him staring at you like that. "Come on I'm serious" you smiled having another bite of your food. "Mhmm" was all he said looking away still not believing you to which you rolled your eyes still simpering. "So anyways I was going to go into town today and wanted to know if you'd come?" He then asked changing the subject as he stood and swung his arms boredly.

You froze raising your brows looking at him mid-bite. "You mean now?" You asked with food in your mouth to his amusement. He nodded still smirking swinging his arms a bit waiting for you so he didn't have to go alone. He always did things like this. "Okay..." you gave in with a sigh as you put your fork down while glancing sadly at your unfinished food. You knew the speedster didn't have the patience to let you finish and was kind of like a kid at times to your humour. Within seconds he grabbed you and then the two of you were downtown. He helped you smooth your hair back down and caught you when you stumbled back dizzily. When you snapped out of it the two of you walked onto the main street ready to blend in with the crowd.

His hands were in his pockets and your arm was linked around his arm just to stay close on the busy street. The two of you were such close friends that neither of you thought anything of it. "So what are you after?" You asked curiously glancing at the various shops as you both passed by. "Ehh just some more video games and movies" he explained. He liked bringing you cause you could help pick some out and then the two of you would make a day out of it hanging out and watching or playing the latest movies and video games together.

Approaching the store you each headed in. Since bringing you, Peter now actually paid for his stuff as he shamelessly used to steal everything by using his powers. You headed for the movies and he went for the video games section each scanning through and picking a few. When no one was looking he sped over to you to look over your shoulder startling you. You quietly scolded him not to use his powers and he just smiled waving you off. "Watcha' get?" He asked curiously at what you held in your hands. "More action movies" you smirked at him and he laughed knowing that you used them for ideas to defend yourself in real life.

He then showed you what he got and you both got excited to try them all out. You both headed to the counter to pay for everything and the cashier narrowed their eyes at Peter. Almost every time you guys came in here Peter would use his powers when no one was looking but you suspected the cashier thought he saw something he couldn't explain. This only amused Peter cause he fed off of these things especially if he could mess with people.

You both paid and headed out. Before leaving he stopped to buy the two of you ice cream and you each sat outside in the sun enjoying every second of it. "Pete?" You asked still focused on your ice cream. "Hmm?" He responded between licks. "You're my best friend" you smirked. He smiled at that and nodded. "You're mine too"

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