Cable x Reader (Stolen) Part 10

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-Cable's Point Of View-


A rumbling sound came through the building as I quickly awoke. I rubbed my eyes looking at the time. 7:09 am. "God dammit" I groaned never getting the chance to sleep in anymore. As I began to step out of bed a second rumbling came through the building and this time I could feel through the floors as they shook lightly. It came from a lot closer this time snapping me out of my tiredness as I became much more alert. Must've been just a few rooms down I thought. Heavy footsteps came running past just outside my door as students started screaming.

I quickly opened the door and ran against the crowd towards the sounds. It lead to a room which I recognized as Jean's. I kicked down the door to see a gaping hole in her wall from outside and a man levitating between it. His focus was on Jean and he must've already struck her unconscious as I noticed metal wrapping itself around her and lifting her towards him. This didn't sit well with me as I recognized this exact man from the future. It was Magneto. I charged towards him and he waved his hand sending me flying backward into the hall with force.

"Cable!" I looked over to see Scott running towards me. He helped me up before he noticed that Jean was being abducted by none other than Magneto. He was quick to defend her as he yelled out unleashing a huge blast of red striking him faster than he could react. "Ah, the boyfriend" Magneto laughed as he recovered from the hit just nearly dropping Jean from the sudden outburst.

His amused stare quickly intensified when he launched a metal dagger towards Scott. I quickly intervened knocking it away with my metal arm before it could impact his body." "Is that ... metal I sense" he smiled turning his attention toward me. On cue I felt shooting pain throughout my body when his powers toyed with my cybernetic enhancements. I gritted my teeth from the pain but it soon ended to my surprise. Looking up he was staring me dead in the eye. "Follow me again and I won't be so forgiving" he threatened and threw the two of us out of the way using metal to cuff us against the walls by our wrists and necks.

Magneto lowered down from the air to his feet and walked straight past us with Jean's body levitating behind. I could feel the floor shake again this time from something explosion. Knowing all too well who that was I struggled against the metal restraints afraid it was y/n in danger. Hearing it again I used all my force to bust out of the restraints. I then yanked off the bonds from Cyclops before the two of us sprinted down the hall fast as we could to where Magneto disappeared off to.

Catching up we noticed him exiting from the library. We watched as him and some woman stepped out of the doorway. "Psylocke" muttered Scott's voice when he recognized the woman he was with. "She must've lead him here" he glared knowing she could sense and track any mutant she wanted. We both turned our attention back to them and I felt my heart drop when I saw he now had my girl. "Y/n too" Scott exclaimed worried for the both of you. "Why didn't I bring my gun" I gritted my teeth angrily cause now things just got personal.

Psylocke turned noticing the two of us. "I've got this" she stated to Magneto and he nodded taking the two bodies away with him as he exited the building ignoring the screaming children running about.

The woman raised out her arm as some sort of purple energy formed out of her arm in the shape of a sword. Me and Cyclops shared a look ready for a fight.

She charged at us and Scott sent a blast her way. She leapt over it and swung her sword at me. I stopped it with my metal arm and she glared at me. I could tell she was both annoyed and surprised. We pushed at each other and she jumped backwards landing smoothly on her feet. Scott quickly fired small blasts at her as she was forced to quickly dodge them. Seeing she was distracted for the moment I used it to my advantage. I waited for her to make one wrong move before I stepped in and knocked her out cold.

Scott watched her body slump to the floor surprised by how quickly we managed to do that. She was normally quite difficult to fight off but it was two against one. "What do we do?" He then asked looking to me for answers. "Tie her up" I stated coldly.


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