Cable x Reader (Apologies) Part 7

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Xavier and Jean had to get inside the mind of the lady who had turned everyone against each other. Turned out not only could her powers force you to do anything she wanted but also she was the only one who could reverse the effect. Luckily they calmed her down after all she was only defending herself after being abused as a test subject for who knows how long.

It wasn't her fault, people did crazy things when they were scared and in survival mode. Xavier calmed her down and reassured her she was in a safe place welcome to leave or stay no one was holding her hostage anymore.

Cable was watching you and the others but mainly you. Still everyone's expressions were robotic and emotionless. Xavier and Jean had relaxed the girl enough and convinced her to undo the effects on everyone. Once everyone was free from her control Quicksilver whizzed past undoing all the constraints.

The moment you were free you broke into tears. Cable immediately noticed and started coming your way. You ran forward and jumped into his arms breaking down from what she made you do to him. He caught you and held you tight against his chest forgiving you. He understood your fear and guilt of having no control over yourself. You already had a constant battle with your own controlling powers so it made sense why this upset you so much.

Storm and the others helped all the new mutants offering aid to any that needed it. Beast was a bit shaken up as well from the effects and had to head to his room and sit the rest of the day out. Cable carried you back to his room and though your tears were slowing down you couldn't stop holding onto him. He kept his arms around you as well as he seated himself down with you tiredly. Looking at what you did to him broke your heart. "I never wanted to hurt you" you tried to apologize profusely. "Shh, I know you never would" he comforted you. "At least let me clean you up" you wiped your tears away and went to his bathroom grabbing a cloth and wetting it with warm water.

He remained seated as you stood to the front of him. He held still allowing for you to gently wipe at the dried blood on his face. He was quiet while you were focused on caring his wounds. "I'm so sorry" you whispered again feeling so much guilt and horror from what happened. He grabbed your hand stopping you to gain your attention. "Y/n really it's okay, I forgive you" he stated honestly.

The two of your guys's eyes met only to lock on filling with desire. He also hadn't let go of your hand yet. Slowly he brought himself closer and softly kissed the back of it. A wave of warmth rushed through your body just from being so close to him.

Eyes still locked he slowly stood up to be in level with you before he quietly leaned down to kiss you. The cloth dropped from your hand as you leaned in passionately returning the longing kiss. His hands gently held your shoulders while yours slid to the back of his neck.

A knock came at the door interrupting the two of you. You separated but neither of you moved for the door as you both just watched each other wanting the moment to last longer. With a sigh Cable had to answer it was Storm informing him they needed to borrow him for something. "I'll be there in a minute" he nodded before turning back to you. "They need my help, it may take a while." He sighed a bit disappointed that he had to leave you so soon. Noticing your tired behaviour he walked up to you and kissed your head. "I want you to get some rest though, we're all exhausted so take the time to catch up."

Expecting he meant your own room you nodded ready to head back when he started clearing off his own bed for you. A bit surprised by the generosity you hesitated but he encouraged you to get in. You got in between the blankets and immediately sunk in feeling his bed was much more comfy than your own. He smirked pulling an extra blanket over you before quietly shutting the door behind him.

You were at complete ease and couldn't believe what had happened in the span of a day. Thinking about the way you two had kissed made you blush as you slowly drifted feeling safe in his room.


Later that night when he returned her smirked seeing you all curled up in his bed. Respecting your space he sat at his desk chair and turned the small desk lamp on. He put his feet up on the desk and leaned back grabbing a book to read. He wanted you to stay in his room to keep you close company tonight knowing the comfort would help you sleep better.


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