Chapter 3: Getting to know people and Nialls new friend

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Rosaly's P.O.V

I start to think about where I know these weird kidnapper people from when they leave the room, but it hurts to think from when they hit me on the head last night I think.

It takes me a while but it finally hit me (get it?)... these 'people' are One Direction!

I start to freak out until I realize I have my phone in my purse. I stare around the room for a second until I see my purse sitting on the chair next to the desk.

Dang I am good at finding things! I grab my purse and start to look through it.

I finally find my phone which was hidden in the secret purse pocket and start to text my friend Bella.

Bella's P.O.V

I was listening to music on my motorcycle until I got a text from my best friend Rosaly and my jaw dropped down to the ground as I read the text.

Help I have been kidnapped and it's only a matter of time before they figure out I have my phone!~ Ro$al¥

I texted back as quick as I could saying

Text me the address I will be there as fast as I can~ Me

Dang this girl is going to owe me when I'm done. Maybe she can buy me some new combat boots or pay for me to get a tattoo?

Rosaly's P.O.V

I just finished texting my friend Bella when she texted

Text me the address I will be there as fast as I can~ B€ll@

I opened the door to "my room" and went downstairs to see Louis he immediately smiled at me. Dang that dude is creepy.

"Louis?" I asked he looked up at me again "Can you tell me what our address is right now?" I asked

he said "Sure it is 5657 Holly Rd.,"

"Thanks," I said and ran back upstairs.

I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and texted Bella the address. Dang that Louis dude is kind of clueless. Hehe I'm so awesome being able to trick a clueless dude.

Bella's P.O.V.

I read the address Rosaly sent me and typed it into my gps. I drove off on my motorcycle to the creepy rapists' house.

After flipping a couple people off I was finally almost there.

When I got to the address I pulled in my motorcycle around the block and walked over to the house. When I got to the front of the ginormous mansion I saw Rosaly sitting by the window on the bed.

I texted her saying I'm here and started to walk towards the door. When I got to the door I couldn't even knock before the door opened and I was pulled inside.

Seconds later something hit me hard on the head and before I knew it everything slowly went black.

Niall's P.O.V.

I was just sitting on the couch watching some T.V. and eating some popcorn when I looked outside and saw a girl wearing a plain black shirt with a skull on it, a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and black boots.

She even had a few strips of black throughout her perfect blonde hair.

Gosh she looks hot, wait what am I saying I don't even know her! I watched her walk up to the door but I quickly opened it and hit her in the head with a baseball bat.

I really don't know why I did that but I guess it was because I didn't want her to leave? Wait I have to remember that I don't know her.

I dragged this hot.... unconscious girl up the stairs to Rosalys room and put her down on the bed.

Rosalys pov

I was pacing back and forth in my room. Waiting for yelling and screaming to start between Bella and the boys.

As soon as she texted me I knew shit was about to go down. I seriously hope that she hurries this house is kind of creepy...

My thoughts were all of a sudden interrupted when I heard my... their door open. I looked over to see Bella being dragged in unconscious by Niall!

"Oh my gosh Bella!" I screamed as Niall set her on the bed "What did you do to her?!" I questioned.

"Um she was um I don't know actually. She was just outside and I thought she was hot, I mean what? What are we talking again? Well I'm hungry so um bye!" Niall said as he walked out of the room.


I saw Bella's eyes start to twitch and they finally opened and she looked around confused.

Dang what did those assholes do to her? She finally turned and looked at me with a scared/confused look on her face.

"Where am I?" she asked

"Well you kind of got kidnapped too I guess. Oh, and apparently you were knocked out by Niall and he thinks your hot," I said and she looked so confused.

"Wait who is Niall and why does he think I am hot?" she demanded

"Um Niall is this blonde haired Irish dude." I said " Also I have no clue why he thinks you are hot. All this crap is still really confusing for me too."

A/N: Hey guys I know this book has been pretty lame so far. I am aiming for it to get way better. Please leave a comment and vote. Love ya!

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