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Eclipse was not a normal 16 year old girl, she had a trait that was only found in 1 of every millions of people , it was a trait that enabled her to have an animal characteristic. She had wolf ears. When she was born her father took one look at her and decided that he wouldn't want her as his daughter so he abandoned her and her mother. Eclipse's mother was shocked but kept her, she named her Eclipse because of the way that her husband just came up and left them because his daughter had a dis formation.

She didn't have friends at school actually she had way more bullies than she had friends. That was also because she didn't just have wolf ears she also had two different colored eyes, the right was a crimson-like color and the left was a bright emerald color. The kids at her schools stayed away from her because of the way she looked and that also made her a clear target for bullies. Her mother was on average a good mother except she would give her a lot of chores and wasn't very supportive with school stuff. But Eclipse was great full that she even had a mother to look after her, unlike her father.

Her mother had been very sad and lonely since her husband left them and every once in a while, when she was in a bad mood, would take it out on Eclipse. Yelling and threatening her, but she was used to the feeling of being alone and sadness around her.

~ Time skip to present ~

Eclipse was walking to school when she felt this feeling, she didn't know what it was but she felt as if being pulled towards the forest near her home. She excused the feeling and kept walking to the high school that she attended. She was in her second year of high school and it was nearly the middle of the first semester. She didn't have to worry about bullies as much as she used to because she always kept a small pocket knife in a knife holster thing she kept hanging from her belt. She was self taught in hand-to-hand combat and in using a knife.

When she was at the front gates of her school she encountered none other than one of her bullies. His name was Adam and everyone in the whole school was terrified of him, he was one year older that her yet even the seniors were afraid of him. Everyone except Eclipse "Thought I told you not to show up here again, Wolf" he said. Wolf was her last name and was also the nickname the school even her teachers would use to describe someone who is unwanted at that school.

"Fuck off, Adam, I don't give two shits about what you said or you're rules." She was the only one who had the guts to talk back to him. " You've got some nerve to talk back to me." "Oh really?.. Then why haven't you thrown a punch at me yet because if I recall that's what you told me yesterday, that the first thing you would do is to pun-?!" She was cut off by Adam's fist hitting her hand, she had very quick reflexes so she had enough time to block his attack. " You we're saying?" He said in a dark tone. Thankfully before it became a full fledged fight the bell rang and they went to class.

Eclipse's first class was History, aka the worst class ever. She absolutely hated this class the only good part was where she sat which was in the far corner. Thank the good lord that the class ended as soon as it started so she was on her way to science, then it was break time. She went to the place she always goes for lunch and break, the table in the lonely corner, she always went there because it was where no one bothered her, except for Adam of course, she would draw and listen to music there and all would be good.

Alas the end of the day came and she was on her way home, headphones and all, listening to one of her favorite songs Wolf in sheep's clothing. Only her luck would say it but it started to rain, hard. She wasn't even half way home when she was soaked and cold. "Cold" she said quietly to herself "Cold" she said once more. She decided to run all the way home by the time she got home she was taking off her boots waiting for her mom to say 'hello. How was your day, E?' like she does everyday when she gets home, but today nothing was said.

Hi people ....... I'm new to writing stories on Wattpad so I'll try to post a chapter once a week most likely on Wednesday's and/or Fridays so yeah hope you'll stick around to see how this story unfolds.

I'm not experienced in writing at all I'm only in middle school so yeah next chapter won't be a real chapter just a Eclipse's description and yeah I'll see ya'll later. By the way thank you for reading this it really means a lot so yeah thx bye now.

Eclipse Wolf (A creepypasta OC story)Where stories live. Discover now