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                     ~ picture not by me~
                       ~ 6 months later~
                        ~In E's dreams~

It was too bright. Way too bright for Eclipse's eyes but then in the distance, she saw someone over top of another person. Given she wants to help she runs over to the two but then once she got into range on the two people she realizes two things. One she couldn't run any further. Two the people was Clockwork on the floor covered in blood and Zalgo on top of her. "CLOCKWORK!!!" She screams and she tries to run to her but it's like she's paralyzed. "You did this to her. You're the one who put her in this position. You are nothing more than a monster, " he said looking at her with a wide grin on his face. " what. N-no I would never do anything like this to her." she trembled as she looked down to see she was holding a bloodied knife in her right hand and was covered in blood. "Oh, but you did and now it seems her time is up..." he said as he plunged a dark sword into Clockwork's chest. Eclipse stood there in shock. "Don't be sad because now it's time to say goodbye, " he said as he snapped and the floor underneath her wasn't there. She fell.

~ sudden jolt awake ~

Someone was at her bedside hugging her tightly. She was breathing heavily and couldn't remember anything. She had been having this same dream for the past 6 months. "W-where am I? What happened?" she said in fear. "Hey. Hey. It's okay. It's me, Clockwork. You're at home, in the mansion, in your room. I think you just had a nightmare.", " What? How- How did you know?" She asked still shaking from what she just witnessed. " I couldn't sleep so thought I would come to check on you. When I came you were sleeping restlessly and saying things like 'I didn't do it' and 'It wasn't my fault'. I wanted to comfort you so I stayed and hugged you til you woke up, " she explained. "what time is it?", " 1:00 am. We still got time.", "oh. Ok" she said looking down at her black bed sheets. It was clear that she didn't want to go back to sleep, afraid of having the same dream again. "Maybe, I mean if it'll make you feel better, I could sleep with you for tonight, " she requested. "Um... Ok. Yeah, you can sleep here if you want, ", " Alright then, skootch." she said as she shoved E towards the edge of the bed making room for herself. Clockwork settled in and tried to fall asleep but couldn't because she knew this was strange. E was on her side and she couldn't help but realize that Clockwork smelled like cinnamon but the good kind.

They fell asleep a few minutes later and before they knew it, it was morning. "WAKE UP! WE GOTTA EAT AND THEN GO!" E was woken up by screams for her to get her ass out of bed. "Clockwork? What the hell is wrong with you?" she said as she opened her eyes to a blinding light. "Do you seriously not remember what today is?!", " Nope sorry Clock. I'm brain dead right now." she said in a not so sorry manner. " Ugh. Today is the day where you get to go on your first killing spree. Finally, after 6 months, you get to know what it's like out there. I will be your partner and I already know what family we're after so now we just need your ass dressed and downstairs." she said as Eclipse got dressed and was explaining the plan. They went downstairs to eat breakfast and then they left. It was October so there was Halloween decor everywhere. Clock had said that they were going to watch the family for the whole day and then kill them at night. It was a family of four a mother, a father, and two brothers. The boys were pretty young around the age of 7 and 10. The main person they were after was the mother because she knew about the pastas back at the mansion. Clockwork and Eclipse agreed that Clock would go for the father and the 7-year-old and E would go for the mother and the 10-year-old.

They waited and watched all day. It was a Saturday and the family decided to stay home. Once it was night time they entered the house without making a sound through the window of the kitchen. E went to the parents' bedroom to get rid of the mother first while Clock went for the father so no one would be able to call 911 for help. They finished off the parents without noise and went to go get the kids and decided they wanted to have some fun. Each kid had a separate room so that was a good thing.

E went to the 10-year-olds room and scratched the wall slightly, enough to wake up the child. She was in the darkest corner of the room and little did he know that he won't live for very long after that. The kid looked around his room and was met with one glowing crimson eye and a glowing emerald eye. He couldn't see much of her due to the darkness but she stepped closer to him and started to speak. "Hey kid, ya wanna play a little game?" he was stuck there paralyzed not knowing what to do. He heard his brothers screams coming from the other room. "Please don't kill me," he said his eyes tearing up. This only made E smile and she said "Oh, DoN't WOrrY. I wOn't Kill You JuST YeT. The GaME HAsn'T EvEN STArteD." she said in that double voice she had. She started to giggle while the boy started to cry. She took her bloodstained knife and said "You KNoW, ThIS KniFE HAs ThE BLooD OF YOUR MoTHer. NOw LEt us SEe WhaT iT Can DO." she said as she started to laugh and cut into the boy's skin with the tip of her knife. After she was done having her fun she said to the boy one last time "NoW IT's TImE To SAy GOOdBye!!" she said as she laughed and slit the boy's throat. "Noice job E, okay now we need to get the file and go back to the mansion, " Clockwork said in and impressed manner. They went to the office in the house, looked for the file, took it and left the house before the police arrived.

Clock slammed the file onto Slender's desk to show him that the mission was completed. "Well done ladies. Now you may go and do whatever you guys do." Slender said dismissing them from his office. "So what do you think?"," I liked it, it was fun. Wish I got them more often," E said to Clock. " Don't worry once you start getting further in you'll get way more and harder missions, but for now you did well."
Welp that's all for today hope u enjoyed see ya in the next one.✌🏻

Eclipse Wolf (A creepypasta OC story)Where stories live. Discover now