3 Months Later

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~~Jane's POV~~

It has been 3 months since the whole experience the three of us saw. LJ was trying to keep everyone happy and saying things like 'Don't worry. She'll wake up soon'. He said that a week into her slumber. It's been three months. I've been doing okay I guess. I don't know I've grown fond of the wolf girl she brought us all joy and it hurts my heart to think she won't wake up. Thank goodness I have a mask or else everyone would see my devastated face. The one who really suffered was Clock. She rarely left E's side, almost never ate, and she would sit there and talked to E. Going through memories they had together and end up in tears. I am also in there with her often and when Clock wasn't in there I would always ask the same thing 'Please wake up. She's suffering and she needs you.' I would tell her.

I would just replay that day over and over again and cried. When I do that I never have my mask on. I remember us hearing a loud howl coming from in front of us in the distance. Clockwork started to run towards it so Jack and I followed after her. We were almost to the scene when we hear something large smashing into a tree and shortly after a loud scream. We jumped over a figure and LJ and I started to fight a demon while Clock ran to the figure unconscious on a tree. Once we finished the thing we ran over to Clock and noticed E was unconscious. I started to tear up and shake when LJ picked her up and we ran back to the mansion. I kept looking at the girl seeing that she was covered in blood. Blood was running from her ear, a scratch on her nose, her nose itself and her mouth. Also from claw marks on her ribs and a stab wound from her collarbone and shoulder. I also noticed that the left side of her mouth was cut vertically(a/n: not like the way the pastas have it. No. Not smile like.) and her ankle was broken and bleeding violently. I started to cry and we made it back to the mansion and we rushed E to Ann so she can fix her as soon as possible.

~4 hours later~

Once the four-hour mark had passed Ann had come out of the room and she looked exhausted while she took off bloodstained gloves. We all looked at her. The whole mansion came down and we all waited the four hours in silence. She looked up at us "She's going to be okay but she's in a coma right now so I can't confirm when she'll wake up," she said. We all sighed in relief that she'll be fine but it hurt that the one we all love is in a coma. "How many scars will form?" Asked Clockwork. "Around 7. 8 if you want to count the torn ear." She looked down it hurt her too. It hurt us all. Me, Jeff, Sally, Lulu, Clock and a few others started to cry. The rest just stared in sadness. Like I said before, that was three months ago, now anyone ever talks and even Slender canceled all missions and killing sprees for at least half a year. Might as well go down and see Eclipse and make sure Clock is alright. I don't bother putting my mask on and start making my way to where E was sleeping.

I walk into the room and see Clockwork holding E's right hand in both of hers. She was on the verge of tears again from what I could see. "Clock? Are you okay?" I ask her and she turns to me as I sit in the seat next to her. She was exhausted. She had bags under her eyes and her hair was messier than usual. She looked at me in a sort of pleading way. Where did the strong, sassy, independent woman go? "No. I'm not. I-if only I-I had gotten t-there earlier. She wouldn't b-be l-like this right now." She said starting to sob into my shoulder. I start to stroke her hair with my hand "Don't blame yourself. There was nothing much you could do." I say softly still stroking her hair. A few hours had passed with people entering and exiting the room. I decided to go take a nap and hope that I don't have a nightmare. I tell Clock and she lets me go.

~~E's POV~~

I was in a dark void that split into two paths. The left with Zalgo and the Rake telling me to go to them and the right with Clock and Jane and the others. This is the first time in a while that I see this path. I don't really know how long I've been here, not long I hope. I decide to go to the right and then I'm engulfed in white. Then I suddenly feel pain throughout my body. I hear a heart monitor beeping. I also feel warmth in my right hand. I open my eyes to be in a white room so it takes me a little bit to adjust to the lighting. Once I do adjust I notice that none other than Natalie was asleep next to my bed while holding my hand. She looked awful she had bags and messy, unkempt hair. It was hard for me to talk so to make her know that I was awake I squeezed her hand slightly and her head shot up. I guess she wasn't asleep. She looked at me in shock and then tears started to form in her eyes. I gave her a small smile to tell her that she's not dreaming. She bolted up and hugged me gently to make sure she doesn't hurt me. I hug back and I may self start to tear up. Toby noticed that I was awake and went to go get Ann.

After Ann had walked in and did a small check-up made sure I was healthy. She told me she had to change the bandages on my wounds that I'm surprised haven't healed. Everyone around me was crying tears of joy and I was confused. How long was I asleep. "Hey, u guys okay? How long was I out?" I ask and the all look at me. "You were asleep for three months.." Zero tells me and I just stare in shock. THREE MONTHS?! Ann tells everyone to leave for a little bit while she replaces my bandages. I pull my shirt up to see bandages and I look at Ann confused. "Wounds like these heal slower when your unconscious," she tells me. (I have no idea if this is true so plz don't get mad at me. But we'll just go with it) when she takes off the one around my ribs I see three large claw marks that have almost completely formed into scars. Same with the one on my shoulder, collarbone, and ankle. She let the others back in the room as I ask if there were any more scars. She looks at me and then grabs a mirror. "There are two more," she said softly.

I had a small scar on the left side of my mouth and that the top half of my left ear was torn completely off. I just stare at it and then just shrug. "It was my fault that this happened so I'm not too surprised," everyone looked at me as if I was insane, which I was. My ankle took the longest to heal that I had to use a crutch to move around when Ann said I was able to get out the room. That was about two weeks after I woke up. I'm glad to be back and the others seem extremely happy that I'm back.

A/n: so yeah. The wolf lives. I really am trying to post often but I have a lot of plot ideas an I'm trying to see which could go where. But for now. Pasta la vista and Bone app the teeth. Bye now.🐺🔪

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