She found out

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They were walking towards the back of the mansion to where they were going to put their skills to the test. Everyone was with them to see who would win at this Eclipse or Clockwork. Eclipse knew who was going to win, not her that's for sure. E is self taught in nearly everything in using knives, combat, cooking, drawing, etc. They were in position to start and everyone was seated somewhere wether it be on a tree stump or the floor they wanted to see. So the fight started. Clockwork made the first move, to through a punch for E's face but she ducked and swung her leg forward to trip Clock. Clock did trip but got back up and kicked E in the gut. She coughed blood from the kick and she got up and swung for Clock's torso but missed and got a punch to the back. More blood. This carried on for about half and hour E managed to land quite a few hits on Clock but it never faulted her. E was beat up real bad her nose was bleeding and she coughed up blood. Clock had a few bruises and scratches from her nails.

More time had passed when she was just too weak to continue. Clockwork took this chance to tackle Eclipse. She landed hard on her making her cough out even more blood. Clock kept on repeatedly punching her and in defense E held up her hands to protect herself. One punch that's all it took was just one punch. She punched E's left arm and the bandage couldn't hold anymore and it slipped off. Clockwork saw all the scars on her arm for just one second before she pulled her arm very quickly away as if to protect it. Clock snapped at the others to go away so she could have a closer look at E's scars. Eclipse was very frightened now her bandage just fell off and Clock just ordered everyone to leave. "Let me see." She demanded. Eclipse didn't move her arm and shook her head no. The reward for that was a punch to the throat. More blood came. Clockwork grabbed E's arms forcefully and examined them for a solid five minutes. There were so many cuts and scars and some cuts were bleeding because she just made them that day. "Why?" She asked. "..." no response. "WHY!?" She shouted. This frightened Eclipse even more so she just said it "Why do you even care you never liked me from the day I got here!?" She said. "I CARE BECAUSE I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING TO SOMEONE I LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE WITH!*long sigh* Just tell me why." She cooled down. " Fine, I do it because I've been depressed lately and nothing really helps so yeah and don't ask me why I didn't say anything before because I'm a suffer in silence kind of a person so I don't tell people about these kinds of things," she confessed and she broke. She was crying softly now. Clock got up off her and helped her to her feet. The next thing she knew Clockwork was hugging her "It's alright, I'm not mad at you alright? But just so you know you are not going to move on with your training until you beat me. This though.." she said pointing to E's arms. "... This has to stop now ok?" Eclipse nodded. " Good," she said and before when she was comforting her was a look E had never seen on that face before. Pain and sympathy.

~ time skip a few days later ~

It was hard. Trying to beat Clock at combat, she was extremely good at it. E wasn't good enough she always lost and always got tired. Even though being part wolf comes with its advantages she didn't want to use them against Clockwork. It was too dangerous for her to use and she didn't know what she could do. The only problem with those is that every full moon she couldn't get out of her room because it showed. Low and behold today was a full moon. She felt it right when she woke up that morning, the pain was unbearable she twisted and turned. She quickly got up and locked the door so she would be sealed in for the day. She felt the monster inside her trying to push its way out. Her nails grew into claws and her teeth grew sharper than they already were. Parts of her skin on her face and arms had darkened and had fur on them. Her feet(yes she sleeps and walks around her room barefoot) were like the hind legs of a wolf. She was in extreme pain and sounded like she was slightly growling and crying.

Lulu wondered what was taking E so long to get down to eat so she went upstairs to check on her. They had become friends as well as Sally but she was eating already so Lulu went alone. She heard growling from the other side of the door "Eclipse?.. Are you okay?" She asked. "LuLU!?... Get AwAY FrOM... THiS DOOr... RiGHt nOW!" She said and what it sounded like she was speaking in a double kind of voice one darker than her regular voice, but both said at the same time. " W-what? Okay hang on I'll go tell the others to help you," she said as she went back to the table as fast as she could. " CLOCKWORK! SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH ECLIPSE!" She said. " What?! What happened?" Clock snapped her head towards Lulu and instantly got up from her chair. " I don't know what's wrong with her but the door was locked and she sounded like she was in pain," Lulu said as Clockwork ran towards E's room. She tried opening the door but it was locked " ECIPSE OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!!" She yelled but then she heard growling and crying coming from the other side of the damn door. She got out her knife and started to play with the lock until it opened. She shoved the door open and what she saw shook her. Not long after she opened the door Lulu, Sally, and Jane stoped at the door following Clockwork to E's room. " GEt... OuT OF HerE! IT's Not SaFE In HERe!" She demanded. Clockwork just stood there looking at Eclipse and what she looked like. She had some patches of dark skin and fur on her face, her arms, and legs. She also realized that her feet were those of the hind limbs of a wolf. "I'm not going anywhere okay? I'm going to stay here with you alright?" Clockwork said in a soothing voice to the monstrosity in front of her. Eclipse calmed down a bit but nothing stopped the pain that she would have the whole day. " okay" her voice went back to normal. She was crying slightly because of the pain and the way Clockwork had to find out about this. " Tell the others that she's fine and tell Slender about this and that I'll stay with her for the rest of the day," she told to Jane and Sally. Lulu just went back to finish her breakfast.

They stayed in silence for a little bit while Clock went to go close the door. "So Eclipse ho-" she got cut off. "E" she said. "What?", "E, it's a nickname that my mom used to use so she didn't need to say my whole name. I want you to use it it makes everything more comfortable," she said looking out the window into the woods. "Okay.. E um.. how'd you get this way?", "I really don't know I've been like this my whole life. Every day on a full moon this thing tries to take over my body, but I don't let it. It's painful resisting it ,but it works keeping this monster hidden away. When it's not a full moon it's easier because it's not as strong. It's like having a superpower that only brings pain and misery that you don't want," she said. "Huh, well I-......I feel bad for you,", " No don't feel bad I'm used to it it's alright, really," she reassured Clockwork that everything would be fine in the end. clock ended up hugging her while they were still on the floor. The only thing they did all day was talk and draw and listen to music. When the day was over is when E returned to normal and Clock went back to her room for the night.


Thanks for reading this and yeah we'll see what else lies on the road for our lil wolf. But til then we'll leave it here bye.

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