Have a taste of normal. You wish.

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~~E's pov~~

All I want is to have a small speck of normal again. My normal is really different from other people's normal. My normal is hanging out with the person that I say is my older sister. Clock. Before any of this ever happened we would just hang out, play games, go on killing sprees, walk in the forest. But now all we ever do is sit around and hope that none of us, more specifically me, doesn't die. Especially because of my near death thing and I'm STILL WALKING ON A FRIGGEN CRUTCH. Earlier I asked Slender if I could go for a walk. No joke, he looked at me as if saying 'Your joking, right?' And all I could say was "What??". In the end, he said no so I just went down to the couch and watched Ben play some game I don't even know what. Eventually, I took a nap on the couch and was woken up by the sound of glass breaking.


"HOLY SHIT?!" I scream as I hear the glass. "Oh. Sorry E. Jeff's chasing Ben around cause he touched his knife." I hear Zero say as I look up and she's just sitting watching the two destroy themselves. I will admit that I did end up watching them too cause there was nothing I could do because of my leg. I also have no idea where Clock was. Probably on a mission, I don't know. But after a while, Kate came down (a/n: killing Kate. Not Kate the chaser.) And we all just started to talk about things until the people came home from who knows where. I got bored and excused myself and walked to my room. These damn stairs. I got upstairs and went all the way down the hall to my room. I played some music. To be more specific I played Holiday by Green Day. I drew and listened. Till I fell asleep on my sketchbook. Music still playing.

~~Jane's pov~~

Clockwork and I were on a mission and we arrived home really late. When we got home we were tired so we went to bed. Clock went to her room but I went to E's room to check up on her. And oh my*slight giggle* gosh I was met with a sleeping puppy on her sketchbook while music played. I turned off the music, put her in her bed and turned off the lights. I went back to my room collapsed on my bed and immediately fell asleep.

~~E's POV~~

I am so done with these stairs. It's morning I'm confused on how I got on my bed but that's beside the point. I just need to get down to the hospital ward so Ann can take everything off and say that I'm free to go. Fucking hate the stairs. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY IN THE FIRST PLACE?! I got down ate some breakfast got the clear from Ann and I went to the living room to watch Ben play on of his games for the rest of the day.

A/n: srry this is such a short chapter I'm busy again and schools going to start soon again so I won't be posting as often as I would like too. Art not by me. Srry bye now. 🐺🔪

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