You seem to be in love - ForthBeam

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Forth Darvid is a famous man. Renowned engineer from Thailand. Extremely handsome and sexy. He is 45, married to Vivian Darvid, one of the largest cardiologists in the province, and has a son named Kit Darvid, 21, who is in his sophomore year of medical school.

Whoever looks at Forth thinks he is a happy, accomplished man.

But you are completely mistaken.

Forth has not had a good relationship with his wife for years after discovering a betrayal of her, is constantly rooted of false people who want to knock him down or rise in life using his friendship in his work and social life, the media that is always sucking him and stressing him to the point of being impossible not to get a headache every day at his house and lastly, Forth does not know what a human heat has been years ago.

His only source of joy is his son Kit who, even though he is in his final year of study, have time to always asks for his well-being, if he has already eaten, always a hug on arrival and departure and always wishes him a good day and good night. If it were not for his son, Forth would be an empty man.


Forth Pov.

Today is Kit's birthday and when he asks what he wanted for his day he just wished for a simple dinner where he is accompanied by the people he loves. I nodded without thinking twice and spoke to Vivian about the only means of communication we have lately. Mobile messaging. I have not seen Vivian in a week and I have not talked to her in a few months, or sleeping together anymore too, and the only way to ask her something and find her is by phone. After almost 5 hours she answers me saying that it would be impossible because she would go to a charity dinner and that Kit would understand. I only sigh, after years of talking with Vivian, I realize that it is no longer worth fighting with someone who sees nothing but their own work.

I release my schedule in the afternoon and come home early and prepare a dinner with all Kit's preferences, forgetting that dinner would be for two and not for three, I prepare more than enough, and find myself a fool afterwards when realize my mistake. But as they are Kit's favorite foods, he may want to repeat the dishes.

I hear the sound of the door open and I head for the living room to greet my child with a present and a hug.

"Kit! Happy birthday, son!" - I get him with a hug and I get another tight back.

"Thank you, Dad! I brought a friend for our dinner" - I look behind Kit, and I see a little more bigger boy than he, with black hair and fair skin.

"Of course not! I made enough food!" - I go to the boy to greet him - "Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Forth, Kit's father!"

"Hello, my name is Beam! I'm Kit's best friend. Nice to meet you too!" - We shake hands. Young people today have their hands so soft.

"He's going to sleep here today. That's ok, right?" - He looks at me with his eyes shining and showing the dimples I can never say no to.

"Of course not!" - I smile and make a mess of his hair, I hear a 'Daaad!' of protest.

"And mom? She's not coming, again?" - Kit asks me with a look of who is already accustomed to his mother's absence.

"She has a charity dinner today and asked you to understand."

"I really do not care. I've been not caring for years now. You should stop the theater of a happy family and find new people. I'm already an adult and I do not care about your romantic life, being a good person is my only condition" - Kit speaks and hugs me again. I am sad that I can not give him a perfect family, but I am also proud to see that he does not charge me anything more than I can get to him. Love, attention and all that he needs, being it material or not.

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