The Best Game - PhaYo

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"Just a little bit, P'Pha! Almost getting through to the next phase"

And like this have been my Saturday in my boyfriend's room that does not come out of this video game.

Wayo spent the week talking about a game that he bought and that was very good. I, like a good boyfriend I am, listened carefully and even let it pass when I called him to a date a few times after school, he always said he could not because he wanted to continue playing and I understood. Wayo always prioritized the weekends to stay with me and so I did not insist. But I did not know that he would also use the days off we have from college to play and not to spend together as we always do. I have not touched Yo for a week. Nothing but kisses and hugs. I miss Yo, but seeing him playing without paying attention to me makes me wonder if he misses me too.

"He was always like that, P'Pha. When he finds a game he likes, he ignores the world and only returns to normal when he resolves the game. Before in less than a week he would get back to normal, but now with his course classes, it may take him almost 2 weeks to finish" - Ming told me when see my sad face after having lunch with Yo and he just mentioned this game. I can not spend 2 weeks without touching Yo! He needs to know what his priorities are.

Now I'm lying here without a shirt on my boyfriend's bed while he's lying in the opposite direction playing with glazed eyes in the game. He did not look at me once and just answer my questions with short or quick answers. He does not even realize that lying flat on his back is making little Phana react. He swings his ass back and forth every time his character in the game moves and that same ass seemed to hypnotize me because wherever she went I followed with my gaze and imagined squeezing her.


"Just a little more..."

I'm tired! I will not wait anymore! Either I get my boyfriend back or I do not call myself Phana Kongthanin!

Yo always wears loose clothes when he is at home because he feels more comfortable. What he ignores is that these clothes are always larger than his, so a shorts he would give in the middle of my thighs almost gives his knees and it is very easy, for example, to stick a hand in one of the legs and have access guaranteed to Yo's ass. And that's exactly what I'm doing.

"P'Pha...!! What are you doing?" - I get a reaction from him but he still did not let go of the control and did not even look at me.

"Just touching my boyfriend" - I say as I slide my hands over his thighs but not touching his butt. STILL!

"It tickles! Hahaha!"

Is he tickling?

I expected at least a moan or a glance at me.

"And now?" - I finally start massaging her ass with my hands. I fill the palm of my hand with as much meat as I can reach and pinch up and down.

"Arr!" - That! Another reaction! Now we're getting better. I take my hands off and Yo takes a quick look back.


I pull back a little and realize that Yo keeps swinging his butt but this time he seems to do it on purpose. Now he seems aware that he has a boyfriend in his bedroom.

I get up and pretend to go after something to drink. I lean back in the refrigerator drinking a glass of water and I perceive Yo looking out of his eyes at me.

Wayo, my baby! You do not escape me today!

"Wayo, I'm going to take a shower!" - I tell him and he just nods. I take a shower passing the soap Yo like the smell the most and summarize my bath. On purpose I go out with only a towel and do not bother to dry myself.

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