Ming Pov.
"P'Kit!" - I see my KitKat from a distance, sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant nearest the windowpane. I wave as I rush for him but then I lower my hand and brake slowly at the sight of his nervous expression and only then realize that he is not alone. To his right is an older but elegant and beautiful woman, and to his left is a man who is old enough to be my father or my elder brother, were it not for his case being an exact copy of P'Kit but older.
"Ming..." - Upon reaching the table, P'Kit gets up to greet me but is soon pulled by the man, making him sit down again. I notice the swollen eyes of my KitKat and this starts to worry me.
"I told you not to leave your place, Kittinan!" - The man says with a stern but not shouting tone, I feel a chill and I decide to introduce myself.
"Sawadee Krap..." - I greet a Wai - "I'm Mingkw..."
"We know who you are. Sit down!" - This time the woman spoke in a dry tone and nodded at a chair - "We need to say something very serious, boy"
I sit on one side of the table and stare at the three on the other side. I face KitKat and he does not seem to be able to look at me as he hides his face in his hands and his elbows resting on the table.
"I'm Sanson Intochar and this is my husband Momit Intochar. We are Kit's parents" - I stand up and offer my hand for a compliment but seeing them inert just looking to me without expression, I take my hand and sit down again.
"Pleasure...to meet you. What does Kit's parents want to talk to me about?" - I try to show a calm feature but only I know how my hands are shaking and ringing and my heart pounding as if it were coming out through my mouth. For them not to have been friendly with me they must have discovered about my plans to conquer my KitKat.
"We know you've been wooing our son, boy, we want you to stop it right away. This game went too far and came to the ears of our customers who knew about it with their children who also study at your university. If you do not want the future of our family and yours to be destroyed, you must stop this stupidity now! Am I being clear?" - Mrs. Sanson could not have been more direct and literally all her words struck right in my heart.
"But I love your son, Mr. and Mrs. Intochar!" - I say firmly but I feel the tears forming in my eyes.
"It does not interest me, boy! Kit is not gay and he's dated a girl before, it shows that he can find someone by his status and lead a normal and dignified life. If you're gay we do not care but you'll find another boy in your little world and leave our son alone!" - This time it was Kit's father who spoke.
"First of all, I want respect. Indeed if I am gay or not, I am, first of all, a human being just like you. There is no 'little world', there is my love for P'Kit and my admiration for the person he is. If you do not accept my relationship with him, that's fine, but I'll just give up when he says he can not reciprocate my feelings" - I say looking into each other's eyes.
"Stop being insolent! Beyond being older you must obey our order!" - I ignore Kit's father's sermons, and I look at him who has not said a word so far. He seems to suffer and I am afraid that I was the cause of it. I love him but seeing him suffer for my sake is even more painful.
"KitKat..." - I hear a few protests from Kit's parents but I focused only on him and muted all the sound around- "I've been courting you for over a year, you know my feelings and how strong they are for you. I know I never gave you reason to trust me with you knowing about my past, but after meeting you I wanted to change and I am a better man because of you. You know that!" - The tears that rarely fall on my face seem to have no barriers now - "I can not promise you a luxurious and expensive life, I'm studying for it and being a successful man and giving pride to my parents and for you, but until then as well as the end of my life I promise to give you all my love and be all that you want and need in your life. My love is a promise of eternity! So P'Kit, if it's impossible for all this to be reciprocal, tell me now. I swear to fight at your side and if needed, be the force for both of us, but if it is not, I promise to stop and distance myself and end your suffering"

2 moons - AU
RomanceJust anothers fanfics in an AU of 2moons Ghostships Mature Otp's One shots Controversial issues And everything that comes to my mind 555