زبون الصـبر The patience of a believer

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قصيدة: زبون الصـبر
Poem: The patience of a believer

مــــن كَثْــــرَة الشــــعَّار والمستشـــعرون
تغطرســـــــت الاوراق واغتـــــــر الحــــــبر
From the abundance of signs and many poets the papers be self-assured and the writing be allured

مـا أجهـل اللـي يحسـب ان جر اللحون
يْبيِّـــــض الوجـــــه او يطــــول فـ الشــــبر
How ignorant are those who consider that the attractive symphony is concealing the truth or lengthen the distance

الشـــاعر الحَسَّــاس شعــره ذو شجــون
The poetry of the compassionate poet is the owner's feelings

يصــــفى معــــاه الجــــو لـــو انَّـــه غَبَـــر
The poet purifies the ambiance of him even though it is  bygone

بعيــــد ياشـــعَّار  عـــن ســـوء الظنـــون
Oh Poets she is far from the negative thoughts

ماقلتهــــــا مــــــن غطرســــــه وَلاَ كِبِــــــر
I did not say she is someone who pretends and never an arrogant

قــد تعتــبر وجْهَــة نظــر يــا مبـدعون
It is possible to look it as a different perspective
Oh creative peoples

وَربَّمــــــــــــا... وَربَّمـــــــــــا لاتُعْتَـــــــــــبَر
And may be ... And may be not to consider it

و يلا ذكــرت اللــي علــى قلــبي يمـون
And as soon as I point out the one
whom completes my heart

عبـــــر جســـــور الــــود والحــــب
Through the bridge of affection and love

آعَــــبِر الشــوق مـن وَصْـلك يـابو طـرفٍ فتـون
I express the longing from your connection, Oh my lovely other half

يكــــــبر مَــــــعَ راعيــــــه لامنَّـــــها كبَـــــر
Self-assured with his  protection   and never from it any arrogance

تــرى مريــض الســكَّري جرحــه يهـون
You see the sweetness of  affliction in the wound is facile

شوفـــــك يكفِّــــي عــــن علاجــــه بــــالأِبَر
Looking at you is enough for the remedy with a glance

لـــو الاطبـــاء عـــن علاجـــك يعرفــون
If the doctors know about your remedy

كـــــان صْنَعـــــوا منّــــك دوا فـ المختــــبر
They would produce from you medicine in the laboratory

صــابر علــى حبّــك رغـم كثـر الطعـون
Enduring upon your love despite of a lot of slanders

والمشـــــــكله حســـــــب الكلام المعتـــــــبر
And the difference is in accordance to the great sayings

لــو كــانت القِصَّــه صبــر.. انــا زبــون
If the writer  is
patience .. I'm a believer

الصــــــــبر والايـــــــام للعاقـــــــل عٍبَـــــــر
The patience and the days for the wise  are written

القِصَّــــه الــــوافي يمـــوت وْ لايخـــون
The love writer is drown in
longing but never disloyal

وان الصــــبر نفســــه يبــــي منَّـــا صَبـــر
And indeed the patience itself requires from us patience

Arabic poem by @faz3
English translation by @l0ve_quotes_and_sayings


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