Just Like Any Other Normal Day......

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(*Note: This is my first fanfic^^ please support me and give me comments on my story xD)

{It was recess time......}

"DyoDyo ah~~~", suzy cooed, "free after school today?"

Kyungsoo sighed and rolled his eyes. He hated this so much. Day after day she asked the same question and day after day she got rejected. He hated how persistent she was. And most importantly he hated her calling him "DyoDyo". It just sounded so...... seducive.

"No." kyungsoo answered, not hesitating at all. He walked away, not having any intention to turn back and check if she was fine after getting rejected AGAIN.

However, Suzy is very determined this time.

She ran after him and clung onto his arms. She begged him while shooting cute aeygos at him,"per...please?? If you agree to it this time, i will not ask u out anymore this week. ok?"

This offer seemed so great that he couldnt reject it. Morever, he decided to be greedy and ask for more. He cleared his throat, raised an eyebrow, stared at her and said,"one week?? one???"His voice grew louder by the second...

Suzy was so desperate. She wanted him to know how much she loved him. How much she wanted to be with him. Left with no choice, she gave in and pleaded,"A-Alright then... 2 weeks??"

Kyungsoo smirked as he thought happily in his mind,"YESSS!!!!! I FINALLY CAN GET RID IF HER. TWO WEEKS!!! TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!" He calmed down his thoughts and said calmly as he didnt want her to know how happy he was deep down,"Alright then. But not too long."

She smiled and jumped up and down as if she was the only one in the hallway. "YESSSSS!!!OMG!! IM SOOO HAPPYYY!! Meet you at the side gate after school then<33 Remember to change into nicer clothes if possible!!!~~~"she chirped as she went skipping off.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes again as he went back to class, alreadly dreading the moment school ends.

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