Waking up part 1

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I had left Mirkwood to follow him, my husband Thranduil.  Just this morning I had heard word that the seven long continuing battle had resulted in Thranduil's father's death.  I had stayed at home with our little leaf Legolas. But I could not sit at home reassuring my little leaf that his Ada would be home safe and sound shortly when I knew how badly the fight was going. many had fallen.  My father in law and Elrond's wife Calen who had been my sister were among the many that had fallen in the last seven days.  the pain was almost too much but I knew that I had to do something because if this is what I feel about losing my sister Valar only knows what would happen if I lost my husband. I felt guilty for letting my sister go to battle without me, we had always fought side by side. it's how we were trained. 

I knew Thranduil would be furious that I was coming but I took a vow to stick by his side in sickness and in health.  Even if I could not protect my sister I would be damned if I let my husband die at the hands of Saruman. 

I was coming over a mountain on my horse when I could hear all of the screams. screams of agony, pain, death, and destruction. I took a deep breath and tried to see any soldier dressed in Mirkwood armor. I finally seem the golden armor blended in with the dark figures presumably orcs.

I ride as fast as the horse can run, as she can feel my nervousness towards the whole ordeal.  a few meters before we enter the battle I take out my twin swords, we enter the mess called war. 

No one appears to be on a horse, all the men are fighting on the legs so its easy for me to move quickly without having dozens of orcs running after me. 

I stop seeing Elrond, the loss of my sister finally sinking in upon seeing his broken and tired state. He looks at me with anger, but his anger vanishes when he realizes that it's me. Shock and worry now take over his features.

"y/n, what the hell are you doing here. does Thranduil know you're here?!!" panic evident in his voice as he continues to kill orcs with ease around him while he finishes speaking.

"no and I know it was stupid coming here but I have to find him! I can't lo-loose him" my voice cracks as the reality of it all kicks in. 

A flash of understanding flashes across his face because he knows that he would do the same for his wife -  my sister. 

"He's past the gates, about 3 miles north.......but Y/N be warned if you don't turn back there is a chance you won't make it to him" His eyes begin to water as he wants to tell me to turn the hell around and keep going but knows I won't because I am just as stubborn as his wife - my sister

I force a smile and thank him and ride as the orcs seem to catch on at my appearance. I have always been a high target on the orcs list because I am the queen of Mirkwood.

I ride for what seems like hours but in reality, I know it is only a matter of minutes. Along my way, I look not only for my husband but my two brothers as well. 

Then I see something that sends my stomach into a wild fit of butterflies, I see the white blond hair that I'm married to. I see Thranduil. He has one sword and looks beyond tired, who wouldn't be though if you had lost your father and had been fighting non-stop for the last 7 days.

"Thranduil!!!!THRANDUIL!!!" but he does not hear me so I call angain sounding like a child screaming for its nana.

His head snaps to me and both anger and immense shock cover his handsome features. 

"no no no no no no no, Y/N you cant be here, go home!!"

I get off my horse and while looking him straight in the face I slice my sword to my left taking an orcs head straight off.

"no! I'm staying! I'm staying with you! valar himself cannot move me from your side" I say while pressing my forehead against his. I look up to see tears in his eyes. He knows that there's more of a chance of survival for me with him as more orcs and a dragon have started killing soldiers at the edge of all the fighting, forbidding anyone from leaving.


I nod in response. 

-within the next two hours-

Half of our soldiers were dead and the numbers of the fallen had risen greatly since my arrival.

But the fight was far from done the dragon was getting closer to us by the second, then it did something I didn't expect to hear.

"Y/N queen of Mirkwood, wife of Thranduil and mother of Legolas Thranduilion you will die and so will everyone you love, look at you husband while my flames consume him" 

I could see him start to open his wretched mouth and the hot flames go from his stomach to his mouth. I looked to Thranduil who was right in the aim of fire. The dragon blew his fire as I screamed "NOOOO". As it grazed his face I used my elven speed to knock him a few meters away. 

All of the orcs now turning their attention to me, I looked at Thranduil to make sure he was ok. Half of his face covered by his long hair but I could see the red reveal itself through his hair. I sighed in relief as I saw him breathing, unconscious but breathing. He was being carried away by a few elven guards. 

The dragon snarled at me then said something in another language that I could not understand, then turning around to face me, he spat; 

"you may be able to defend yourself against me and my flames, but let us see if you can fight against 1,500 orcs!"

My heart sank as all the orcs within a few yards started to group around me and started to attack one by one. I was able to kill one by one by then it to a point where they were smart enough for 20 to attack at the same time. I saw what had to be around 100 orcs surround me and I knew what was coming.....this was the end.

I was never going to be able to see my little leaf grow up or see my husband again. I closed my eyes knowing there was no point in fighting it would only cause more pain. 

I felt a sharp pain in my leg and my chest followed by the rest of my body, I looked down to see about ten arrows littered across my body. I sunk to the floor and letting the darkness consume me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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