Chapter 10

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Odelle, the mercenary, was a rugged bear of a man.

While the rest of the faeries I'd seen were slender and tall, he was built like an oak tree yet something about him was still hauntingly beautiful.

His skin was smooth, despite his face being pulled into what looked like a permanent glower.

Today, King Gray had been wheeled into a study with a large desk by his nurse, Josephine. He met with Odelle and I inside it, writing something on a piece of thick paper while Josephine hovered in the corner of the room.

"Payment in advance for your men," Gray said. "A handsome price in exchange for the rescue of Amelia's human mother."

"Rescue from where, your Majesty?"

Gray stopped what he was writing and look up with a small sigh. "They are within Blackrock Castle."

"Your majesty," Odelle said, taking a step closer. "I have fifty men, if that. We are happy to be of service but what you are asking," He grumbled. "Is nothing short of a suicide mission."

"It's not," I interjected. "I will go with you. I'm a hybrid, I can...I can help."

"Forgive me, child, but you were raised in the human world. I would bet my sword hand that you don't know the first thing about your powers. Your Majesty, I have been a faithful servant but I cannot—will not take my men to the slaughter."

"I will pay triple your fee."

"A handsome offer, but not one I can accept. If you command me to go, I will go but I will not willingly be the reason the women of faerie mourn their sons and husbands."

Gray sighed and peered over at me.

With a nod of his chin, he agreed to Odelle's request to be dismissed.

"I guess money can't buy everything," I mumbled, dejected. I slumped into a chair and looked out the window at the bright morning sun.

"Gray, you owe me." I went on, eyes still cast over the glimmering mountains of faerie. Neither heaven nor hell, but in that moment, faerie sure felt a lot like purgatory. "You owe me this and more. You placing me with a human family, that's what started this all. You're the reason Marcy and Taylor were exposed to Stefan."

"Amelia," He sighed. "The council will never allow troops to fight a hybrid's battle."

He stood, and it took a great deal of effort. Josephine rushed in to help him but he waved her away. I worried he might topple over as he wound around his desk, using it for support as he drew closer to me.

"I'm afraid, to some, you are just not faerie enough. That, my dear, is the true reason I had to send you away."

"What are you saying?"

"A hybrid heir, one with soulsucker would have never been allowed. The progress that Liana made during her tenure towards inter-species tolerance...that all died with her. To keep you here would have been to gamble with your life. I am sorry for what has happened to your human family, truly, but there is nothing left for me to do."

I shook my head, disgusted.

"You're just like the rest of them. A coward through and through." I stood. "The worst type of leader is the one that stays silent through injustice, Gray."


I swung around, headed for the door before a thought occurred to me.

"Does the council know I'm here?"

"No," He responded, gently. "I convinced them that you'd be raised as a human and that I'd ensure you never know of faerie."

"Marcy will continue to be tortured until you do something." Ally had said. "Eventually he'll get bored of her and move on to Taylor, ya know?"

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