Chapter 2

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I climbed back into the embassy, shaken.

Shutting the window, I saw my reflection in it, and how my mouth was stained crimson.

The shrill alarm tore through my eardrums. I jumped away from the window as a metal sheet descended over it.

If this was their reaction to a vampire on their property, how would they react to seeing me covered in blood?

With this thought in mind, I darted back to my room, wiping at my mouth as I went.

I slammed the door shut behind me and went to the sink, rinsing any sign of Christian's blood from my face.

I changed into a clean t-shirt just in time for a loud banging on my door.

Drawing in a deep breath, I went back into the room and feigned a yawn just as I swung my door open.

Like anyone could ever sleep through that awful alarm, I thought.

"Aimee, are you alright?" The man asked.

A Catalan accent laced his English. I knew this because we had taken a vacation to Spain once when I had been fourteen.

Paris, I had begged. Why can't we go to Paris?

Next year, dad had said, but next year had never come because Christian had murdered him.

The man standing before me was thin and mild-mannered and wearing a suit jacket that was a few centimeters too short for his long, lanky arms. He had a long nose set into a thin, older face and there was gray in his hair.

Even though he was calm and not at all imposing, he gave the impression of being someone important.

At the very least, someone who was respected.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

He held up a finger. Just a sec, he mouthed then spoke into a speaker that clung to his shoulder.

"I've found Aimee. She is safe and unharmed. Secure the rest of the perimeter and refugees."

"Refugees?" I asked, clinging to the word.

"Yes," He said, with a kind, half smile. "The US embassy offers asylum to endangered hybrids like you."

"Endangered." I repeated, acutely aware that I sounded like a parrot.

"Surely you must know that hybrids like yourself are often hunted by the darker of the supernatural creatures."

He said darker like it was a dirty word.

"Sure, I guess, but I didn't know there were others."

"Oh, there are many. You will love meeting them, I'm sure of it."

He turned, distracted by the sound of men pouring into the hallway.

Among them was Damian, his curly brown hair lopsided as if he'd been sleeping on his side and hadn't had the chance to comb it out.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, scanning me from head to toe.

Do not find any blood, do not find any blood, I chanted mentally.

"I'm fine. What happened? What's all this about?" I said the last part too loud just as the alarm cut off and there was once again a semblance of silence.

"Supernatural creatures are not allowed on consulate ground without prior authorization. A vampire tripped the alarm. Did you see anything?" He asked the last part carefully, ducking down to meet my eyes.

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