Why are goodbyes so hard

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Marinette's pov

As Nate and I were driving from the airport,  I looked out the window and unfortunately saw their airplane. Even though I had tried not to shed any tears, I couldn't help it. Tears just started coming out of my eyes. Nate looked over to see this.

"Mari..." he said probably not beig able to think of anything else to say.

I looked at him and smiled. "Hey, I may look like crap but I can handle it. When there's a special event I know that is happening in Paris, I will visit them. Plus I have so many people in my life that will help me get through this."

I looked out the window once more. "Well I know a few things that will help you. First ice cream from a very special place and then we will head to the garden."

I giggled. "You know me so well."

"Of course I do. I have known you for the longest time even though some of those years you were away in Paris. Now ice cream!!"

Alya's pov

I walked through the airport door but I couldn't help but take a glance back to see Marinette walking to Nate. From knowing her for awhile I could tell that she was holding back so many tears just like I was.

Why did we have to leave?? Why does she have to stay?? I just want it to go back to the way it was before this trip to China. And why did we have to take this trip??

The class soon walked into the airplane and got to first class. I looked around and saw everyone's faces were hanging. I could tell that everyone, including Chole, would miss Mari with all our hearts. I know we can't wait until the next major event to see her. The next one was in two months, my birthday, but I guess I get an amazing birthday gift. Getting to see her...

So... I has been a while and I have a few reasons but I don't want them to sound like excuses. There may be one or two chapters after this one because I don't want to drag the story out. I really do hope that you all have like this story since the beginning.

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