Epilogue #2

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No one's pov

A year had past since Marinette's class came to China. Marinette did keep her promise and visited often but every time she did she got homesick. Not China homesick put Paris homesick. Her parents noticed that she had always seemed to be sad when she got back from her trips and really wanted to do something so she could keep the happiness Marinette always had.

Marinette's pov

I had just come back from a trip to Paris for Max's birthday but I really didn't want to come back to China. I mean I have had fun here. I have gotten to be with my childhood friends who I had missed so much during the years I lived in Paris, I was in a great relationship with Nate, I got to learn so much about my country which I really did enjoy but I want to actually stay in Paris. I want to wake up to the smell of cookies that my parents made every morning, to sit on railing of the outside stairs at school as I waited for my friends well when I was there before them, and I wanted to see at of Paris's sights whenever I wanted to.

I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. It was most likely Nate.

"Come in," I yelled. I was wrong it was my parents.

"Marinette, we have noticed how you act every time you come home from Paris. We can tell that you want to live there again," my mother said in a calm voice.

"Yeah, I do want to but I have duties here in China."

"Well, we have news for you. The whole family is going back there until you graduate from school and after you graduate from school in Paris you can go to college where ever you want. China isn't going anywhere and you already know everything that is going on here."

"Who would take care of China when we are away??" I was happy but scared at the same time. "Plus I have to become queen some day and shouldn't I be with my people at all times?? I don't want to be the queen who leaves her country for her own needs. I also can't leave my friends again or Nate. Long distance relationships almost never work."

"Marinette, the same person who took care of China when we had to leave the first time will take care of it again and you won't be the queen who leaves her country for her own needs. Everyone needs a break even royalty. And your friends and Nate you can visit them like you visit your friends in Paris. You also said that long distance relationships almost never work but that means some do. You could give it a chance."

"No, I couldn't do that to Nate but I am in. I really do want to be in Paris for the rest of my high school years."

The two nodded their heads and left my room. I jumped up and out of bed so I could find my suitcase well suitcases. I had been doing a lot of designing to take my mind off Paris and I want to show them all to Alya. I also want to keep this moving a secret well more of a surprise.

~Next day~

Mama and Papa finished the business with the man, as I liked to call him Master Fu, who will take charge while we are gone but it is my turn to take care of business, breaking the news to my friends.

I sat on the stairs outside waiting for their arrival. This is going to be so hard and I'll probably end up crying which I hate doing. Minutes later a limo with the six came into our driveway. They piled out.

"Hey Marinette, you said you had some news to tell us," Tikki said.

"Yeah and by the way you sounded on the phone made it seem like it's not good news," Caleb added.

"Yeah, it isn't," I started. I took a deep breathe but I couldn't look them in the eye as I say it. "Tomorrow is my last day in China. My family is heading to Paris, France."

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