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9 15 PM 29th Dec

Ming's PoV

I could feel him shaking as he held me close and begged me to come back , wow, he must have really loved that other person – if he is reacting like this to someone who looks like his dead lover – I should stop pretending now

"P'Kit" I said slowly as I opened my eyes "I am okay, really .... I am okay; that blood is not mine"

"Ming" Kit hugged him tight "Ming.... Thank you, thank you"

"I am okay P" I reassured him again

"Where are you hurt, show me" Kit said as he checked me

"I am not hurt" I told him again "I am sorry, it was a puppy – I tried to save, but I saw you there so I ...." I paused ashamed of my actions.

I was just trying to play a prank but I never expected him to react like this

"I am sorry P" I said again

"No... thanks for coming back" he said looking in my eyes, I don't know what came over me I just pulled him in closer and kissed him on the lips.

He was frozen for a heart beat but after that he responded with so much passion – I felt myself melt in his arms. We both forgot our surrounding and after .... I don't know how long we broke up

I looked at his face, the mask he wore was broken – He loves me.

"You love me" I said it out loud looking for some confirmation – I never thought I could feel this way about someone other than P'Kitkat.... I thought I loved him, but this.. this was completely different

He quickly got up "No, I just thought you were someone else"

"P, wait" I got up trying to catch up as he walked away, but I slipped and fell "crap"

He quickly turned "What?", he saw me on the floor and came running

"I slipped" I replied a bit embarrassed, I could feel my face turning red "Help, please"

Kit burst out laughing "Oh, Ming" he said as he helped me up and moved me away "Look at you.... You are a mess"

"Sorry" I apologized

He just shook his head, "You scared the life out of me" he said as he slowly examined my leg "there is swelling"

"It hurts" I mumbled

"It could be broken" he looked around, and then carried me in his arms

"P" I said blushing "put me down please, this is embarrassing"

"I need to check you, under light and it is better you don't put weight on your legs" he looked at me as he walked "You need to put some weight , you are light as feather"

I was speechless, his expression... he was so adorable I could feel my heart almost jumping out of my chest – for the first time in my life I was speechless.

He was almost a foot shorter than be but he carried me with so much ease - I was blushing hard - this is new to me... this feeling, its new!!!

"There, now let me see" Kit said as he set me down on my car under the street lamp and started examining my leg

"you have some scraps, bit of swelling – but I don't this it is a fracture... may be a sprain" he looked up and thought for a second and then pulled out his phone, called someone

"Hi Kit" I heard him say, Shit who is he calling

"Ming, is hurt – can you get some bandages, betadine solution, suture kit and meet near the street end where we had dinner" he then cut the call.

"Are you okay?" he asked me "You are silent, that's never a good sign!!"

I looked at him surprised "Huh... what?"

"You talk non-stop, but you are silent now..." he looked at intently, that I had to look away from his gaze, what is happening to me... I could not make eye contact

We both waited in silence for sometime, but then he suddenly asked "Do you like my nephew?"

"Huh?" I was taken by surprise, but was saved from answering by the car that stopped in front of us. P'Kitkat and P'Beam rushed out with all the supplies that P'Kit had ordered

He slowly cleaned the wound, and tended to me while Kitty helped, and Beam stood in silence observing both of them

"They have exactly same features" he told me in awe "Don't they?"

I was too distracted to respond to him, but yeah – I had noticed that.

"Kitty" P'Kit called "Can you take him to your room and help him for tonight?" he asked

P'Kitkat was taken aback, "Why would I?" he asked him

"We can drop him at home" P'Beam offered

But P'Kit shook his head, "He stays alone – his parents aren't here, and I still am not sure if he has a contusion, you can keep a eye on him"

P'Beam looked surprised "How do you know that?"

He looked flustered for a minute , how did he know that – I never told him but he responded quickly "Just a guess, he never asked to call his parents... years of experience"

P'Beam just nodded, while P'Kit looked a bit uncomfortable, neither was I – any other day, I would have killed for an opportunity to stay with P'Kitkat... but today , I was not sure

"Please, Kitty" P'Kit begged "Please take care of him for tonight", he then turned to me "Stay with him, it will all be okay"

He quickly got up, and walked away, leaving all three of us - P'Beam,P'Kitkat and me stunned.

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