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25th Feb 2017 8 45 PM

Pha, Beam, Forth , Kit and Kitty were all in the bar, it was a small place with heavy EDM playing in the background – it was mostly young people; friends and couple.

They had become quite comfortable with each other, except for occasional flirty comments from Forth – Kitty was having fun after a long time, he had not taken the remarks from Forth seriously.

While Pha, Beam where seriously looking at their Phone, Kitty asked "Will guys stop playing with your phone?"

Beam looked up, he had been in a group chat with Yo, Pha, Forth and Kit where Yo had just texted they were there.

It was time to make the move. He looked at Forth and signaled him and Forth just nodded his head.

"P'Kit – let's go dance" Beam said and pulled Kit out of the group, and they moved toward the dance floor a bit awkwardly.

Forth turned his attention to Kitty, "Is he really your uncle?"

"He says he is a distant cousin to my dad, but they don't seem to know him" Kitty said looking at the couple on the dance floor – who had jelled in with the crowd.

"Who are you texting Pha?' Kitty asked turning his gaze back to Pha

"Yo" Pha replied not looking up; he was reading the text from Yo that stated, 'Ming is in the dance floor with some girl'

'Girl?' - Beam

'He is going crazy I think- he is flirting his way out' – Yo

Forth sighed and got up "I am stepping out for a cigarette" he said as he moved leaving Kitty and Pha at the table; but he walked towards Beam and Kit

"Come out please" he said to Kit, and Beam caught the wind of it, they both followed Forth outside

"Beam, are you sure this is a good idea?" Forth asked

"Yes; Don't tell me you are backing out now!!!" he was furious

"No, but I am thinking - Does this Ming really love Kitty; if not I don't think we should push them together" Forth mumbled

"Oh, He does" Beam replied, "They are both just too... too thick headed to see it", when it didn't look like Forth was convinced he continued "Do you think I will do anything that hurts Kitty?"

Forth sighed "No"

He then looked at p'Kit who was silent throughout this exchange "How do you fit in here?" while Kit just smiled and said, "I don't – if I am honest"

Forth looked at Kit and then at Beam "Can I talk to you in private?" Kit just shrugged and walked away

"What the hell is wrong with that guy?" Forth asked "I am not able to point my finger but he is weird"

Beam chuckled "He is not"

"Then... what the hell did he mean by that. No... don't answer that. Just tell me why is he acting like your boyfriend?" Forth pushed "I just need to know that"

"Sorry; I can explain now" Beam replied "But he is good"

Forth looked at Beam in the eye for a minute before he finally said "Do you like Kitty? The resemblencec is too much"

Hearing that Beam started laughing, making Forth feel like an idiot but then Beam took Forth's hands in his, looked into his eyes and said "No – I like only one guy and that is not either of them. Go and let's get started"

'All set' – Beam texted in the group chat

'I am out, Kitty is alone at the table' – Pha

"Okay" Forth muttered "Here goes nothing" he mumbled and walked into the bar to Kitty's table, making a note on where Ming was on his way back.

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