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A/N: A short chapter....


7 10 AM 14th Jun 2017

"Ming, am here already" Kitty knocked, no banged on the door waiting for Ming to open his dorm door, It is the first day of college for engineering and science faculty and Kitty wanted to pick Ming up for breakfast and drop him off for his classes

He waited impatiently as he called Ming's number again, but to his surprise a long, steady hands snaked around his waist "What the Fuck?!" Kitty turned to see if it was really who he thought it was

"Hey darling" Ming planted a noisy kiss on Kitty's cheeks

"Moron" Kitty pushed Ming away, not before turning a light shade of pink "you will be the death of me, Ming" he tried to scowl hiding his smile

Ming only laughed "So you are here to pick me up.... But we have like an hour, why don't you come inside?" he winked

Kitty instantly smacked Ming's head "What the hell are you thinking?"

"Hey, I just asked you to come inside – where is your head?" Ming just laughed "always horny!!!" he commented shaking his head feigning disappointment, which earned him another hit from Kitty

"Just come already; Pha and Yo will be waiting" Kitty walked away, no almost ran away to hide his expression but Ming just ran after him, as he yelled "Kitty... wait".

They all had assembled in science faculty, sitting in the food court. Pha had his hands around Yo possessively; Ming sat next to Yo with Kity opposite to him. Beam was opposite to Pha, with Kitty.

"How are you, is everything?" Pha asked looking at Beam, who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable and restless

"Yes" Beam swallowed looking at his friends "I just...." But his phone rang once and he attended on the first ring. "Where are you?"; Pha and Kitty were silently observing their friend, while he gave directions to where they were

He had remained aloof during the entire vacation – but he spoke with them daily just to let them know it is okay. When Pha had called Beam's home, his mother said it is all okay so they didn't push further. But today Beam seemed to be fidgeting a lot.

"What is going on?" Kitty whined "Beam – better tell me before I kill you"

"I will, just give me 5 minutes" Beam looked as if he was waiting for someone

Pha just raised one of his eyebrows, with a smirk on his face "Is it what I think it is?", he asked Beam who ignored his question.

Suddenly, Ming got up angry "What is he doing here?", he moved towards Kitty and put his arms around him possessively as he glared at the newcomer

Forth only laughed "Is this how you greet your senior?"; he smacked back of Ming's head hard as he sat next to Beam.

"It is" Pha's smile widened expression genuine happiness, Kitty was stunned to silence – Beam and Forth, his brain could still not comprehend what was happening in front of his eyes.

Ming just stared at Forth suspiciously; then he noticed how Forth immediately took Beam's hands in his and smiled looking at Beam as he apologized for being late "Sorry". Forth then turned to Ming "I am Forth Jaturapoom; your college senior and Beam's boyfriend"

"Er..." Ming could not form a statement to save his life

"Hello" Yo jumped in to save his friend "I am Wayo; nice to meet you"

Forth only smiled at Yo, "I would bet my life that you will be selected as science moon" he laughed and then turned to Pha "You have your work cut out"

Pha laughed and nodded "I am going public if that happens"

Kitty, then gently nudged closer to Beam and whispered "Does it have to do anything with your behavior?"

Beam only nodded; Kitty then turned to Pha when he saw approval in his friends eyes he felt even more uncomfortable; but he decided to wait and watch if Forth was right for his best friend.

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