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7th Jan 2017

Kit's PoV

Why the hell does he always end up in blood when I am around I could not stop the thought even when all Ming was doing was looking at me stunned

"Why did you not come find me P?" Ming questioned, while Kitty was pressing don on his wound to stop the bleed.

"Kitty – press down on the wound to stop bleeding and take him to the hospital" I stepped back and turned to see if the goons had dropped something while trying to scram.

I found Ming's purse not a little farther down so I walked away to get it. I know I couldn't hold back if I stayed there even for a minute longer.

Though I didn't get in touch with any of them, I have been keeping my distance following around Ming, just glad to see him breathing.

I picked up the purse and walked back to find Beam helping Kitty

"How the hell did it happen" Beam asked

"Just some thugs trying to mug us" Kitty responded

"Ming, get up" Beam put tried to hook Ming up by shoulders and help him up, but Kitty glared at him

Beam backed off instantly, I smiled – we have always been in sync no matter what

"P" he looked at me surprised "What are you doing here?"

"Hi Beam" I smiled, happy to see my best friend again

"He saved us" Ming said and then turned to me "Can you fix me like last time?"

I completely ignored him, "Kitty – you take him to the hospital"

That shut him up, but he never once turned his glance away from me. I could feel myself turning red under his stare

"Ming" Kitty said "Let's go" He almost dragged him away. I watched till the disappeared from my line of sight, and turned back a bit surprised to see Beam standing there

"Are you not going?" I asked him

"No, Kitty will take care" he said and then chuckled "also he doesn't want me there"

I smiled and nodded "He loves Ming..."

Beam kept frowning at me


"Why do I feel like I know you?"


"I know you are older, but there is something about you that reminds me of Kitty every single time"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"You blush and have the same smile when you mention Ming's name as Kitty"

"No, I don't"

"Yes, you do"

"Moron, you want to die?"

"See, even the way you scold is just like him"

"Beam...... you are imagining things"

"May be" he tilted his head and looked at me "Do you want to hear my theory?"

I chuckled

"You love Ming, and you have been following him around daily"

"What" I was startled "No"

"Please – don't bother lying, I have seen you around him so many times – I lost count"

I sighed, Beam did have an extremely good observation capacity – but I cannot give up now

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