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10 15 PM 3rd Dec 2017

"Kitty, what is taking you so long?" Ming walked in to see Kitty holding p'Kit 's collar, and everyone around them looked tensed and stunned.

"What is happening?" Ming rushed to Kitty's side, he has never seen him this angry, and his look displayed pure hatred. He slowly pulled away Kitty and held his hands, he could feel his shaking "What is wrong?"

Kitty shook his head, Yo found his voice while everyone was silent for a minute "Ming – I think they need to talk, let's go" he pulled Ming

"No, I am not leaving him alone" Ming stood his ground, "Tell me what is happening, Yo"

"You need to listen to us" Forth told Kitty, "Trust Me – Kit.. er Kitty" he looked a bit uncomfortable, he then turned to Ming "It is for them to sort out, let's go Ming"

"No, P'Forth" Ming refused his senior "I am staying with Kitty"

"Please" Kit finally pleaded his voice barely audible "I will tell you everything, but not with Ming around"

Kitty took a deep breath and turned to Ming "Please go with Yo and Forth, I promise to call you after"

Ming looked at Kitty unsure, "I don't want to"

"I promise" Kitty assured him "I will be okay, and I will call you"

"Come on, Ming" Yo slowly tugged Ming's shirt "Let's go", "Okay" he agreed finally after looking at Kitty's steady gaze.

12 45 AM 4th Dec 2017

Kitty just sat there stunned on the floor, Pha and Beam were on his either side. They have not told him the whole story, just that Kit was from future and he is none other than Kitty

"So, he is me?" Kitty asked slowly to Beam, when the both nodded he took a deep breath "you guys really believed that?"

"Kitty" Pha smiled "He has been with us for a year now!.... Do you think we would not know if he is not?"

"What... er ...How... Are you stuck here?" Kitty slowly asked what does it mean?

"Kinda" Kit agreed

"how did you come back?" Kitty asked and then it occurred "If I am here for a year; what would happen to Ming.... Why have you guys not helped him go back or to the future?" he turned to his friends

"Guys...." He looked from Pha to Beam "What am I missing?" .... He looked at Kit "Please, tell me what is it?"

Beam and Pha both looked at Kit, unsure. They know for a fact that Kitty will go berserk if herd about Ming.

"I don't know how to go back, but I am going to see someone about it" Kit smiled "Do you know Beam was the first to get married and have a kid, next was Pha and Yo – I am the last"

Pha and Beam looked at Kit stunned, who continued with a smile "Ming loves us so much – even when he didn't know his soul knew me, before you, before anyone of you"

Kitty nodded, and Kit continued "and I, er You could never love anyone else"

Beam wiped his tears that had rolled down, Pha was stunned to hear the new version of their future it made sense though, there is no point in telling Kitty the truth

Kitty nodded, he decided not to press the issue – he could see that the last half what Kit told was clearly a lie, unlike the rest of the story. Pha and Beam's expression confirmed it – so something went terribly wrong and they are not willing to share.

Do I need to know the future, Kitty thought for a second and then made his decision?

"Really?" Kitty was all smiles

"Yes" Kit took a deep breath "Now, I don't know if I will manage to go back or not – in case I am stuck here, I don't want to mess up yours but I just wanted to spend a day with Ming; I missed him"

"Okay" Kitty shrugged

All three of them were stunned, by the sudden change in Kitty's attitude – Has he gone nuts!!! Beam thought to himself

"What?!" Kitty laughed "It is me, and I know Ming loves only Me , me.... So I think is okay; we will figure out something"

Three of them were still baffled, "but no kissing or touching" he warned Kit "You might be me; but Ming belongs only to me" he said "now tell me, how did you get stuck in future; how do I avoid it if I can?"

Kitty paid his full attention to Kit, who only shook his head "If I get it right this time – you won't have to"

"Okay" he got up and stretched "Ming will be waiting for my call, he turned to Pha and Beam. I will not join you on 12th, but instead will join you the next day."

"What?" Pha asked

"Yeah, he will get his day with Ming without me – am sure you guys can work something out; just hang out with your boyfriends so these two will be left alone....." he paused "I will figure something to tell Ming, but only at the last minute"

He turned to Kit "Remember – No touching, No kissing. He is only mine, even if you are me from future".

"What the hell just happened?" Pha asked as Kitty walked out , closing the door behind him.

"I.. I don't have a clue" Beam starched his head and turned to Kit "How the hell does your brain work – explain"

Kit only smiled, "it just doesn't work most of the time"

"I can see that" Pha nodded "Anyways – all weneed to worry now is about Ming", he let out a huge sigh "I wonder how normallife would be!!!??"   

1 30 AM 4th Dec 2017

"Really, his parents threw him out" Ming was stunned,

"Honey" Kitty sighed on the phone "Yes, just because he was gay, and when he spoke ill about my dad - i lost it, but he is good."

"So, everyone knew except us?" Ming was still suscipious

"Kinda" Kitty agreed "Don't think am not pissed at them; but am letting go for now"

"So.... do you think?" Ming paused, worried about Kitty and his family

"i don't know and I don't care" Kitty finished "but am sure my mom would love you.... dad we can work on him"

"Hmmm" Ming didn't say anything

"Ming" Kitty paused he could understand what Ming was thinking "I love you and you love me. That is all that matters"

Ming was silent, Kitty continued "If they threw me out too, i don't mind - all i need is you on my side"

"I love you" Ming said "now, open your door"

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